Osoro Shidesu And Mido Rana

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Nemesis's POV

There she is Monika.

Ever since I was 7 years old I was trained in various martial arts and was taught how to handle weaponry that can kill in one hit, but I can't sense anyone behind me so attacking from behind is the only way I can get hurt.

"I'll have to blend in. I'm too different." I go back to Megami and ask her where I can find clothes to blend in and she gives me an official uniform along with a pass to use equipment in Akademi High.

"Go to the drama club. You can use the wigs and cosmetics there." I nod and make my way to the drama club to find it empty.

I guess they're still devastated from their leader getting her legs broken.

I grab a blond ponytail, put on some makeup and blue contacts.

(Just think of Elsa in Yandere Simulator)

It was time for class but I'm not a student so I roam the halls until I bump into the school's delinquents.

"Move it elsa wannabe." The other delinquents laugh. I stay at my position.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said MOVE IT!" The delinquent pushes me back only for me to grab his arm and throw him to the ground.

The delinquents stare at me before grabbing their weapons.

"4v1? Psh." They attack me with their weapons only for them to hit each other.

Just like taking candy from a baby. I grab the kendo stick and break it in half with my knee.

I was about to walk away until I heard slow clapping. I look behind me to see Osoro Shidesu, Leader of the delinquents.

"So much power and skill...you'd make a great member of our family."


I never had a family...I was always alone...I had to survive on my own...I...

Osoro lends out her hand. "I know how you feel." I look at her with no emotions but on the inside, I'm shocked.

I take her hand and we go to the bench near the incinerator.

"I can tell by your eyes...that you never had a family....that you were left to fend for yourself...I have a family but they don't care what happens to me...no one does...until those five started following me around and copying my style...it was annoying at first but...I soon noticed that they are doing that because they find me as a...tough person who can handle anything...seeing you fight them...it reminded me of me...now I know what they felt when they saw me beat up those idiots from another school..." Osoro chuckles. "It sure was badass."

Osoro stands up and my hand. "So do you want to be one of us."

I can finally have a family...people who care about me...people who'd...love me for me.

"Yes...but I have something to do first." I try to leave but Osoro grabs my arm.

"What is it?" Revealing my mission to her would be the last thing I'd do but after what she told me...I can trust her.

"I need to take out Monika and Ayano Aishi." Osoro's eyes widen.

"The president of the Literature Club and the girl with barely any emotions in her eyes?" I nod.

"I'll help you."


"I said I'll help you."

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