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Everyone was at the gym decorating it for a very special occassion.

"C'mon people this only happens once!"

Kizana was barking orders at everyone to finish the party on time.

"We're doing our best here! You Baka!"

"What did you just call me?!"

Osana and Kizana start arguing.

"Jeez those two are always fighting."

"Tell me something I don't know Taro."

"Umm...I once had a dream about you and me with children?"

"Who's the mother?"

John uses his powers so that Taro won't lie.


John's eyes turn pitch black and Taro lets go of the table.

John lifts up the table but Fumi uses her tractor beam to steal it from him.

"I am not fixing that wall again."

John's eyes turn back to normal and puts the table at the side of the gym.

"Kat can you help me out?"

Shido, Kat and Quill were at the storage room getting the carpet.

"Ugh do you even lift bro?"

Kat grabs the red carpet off of Shido and walks off.

"No *huff* I *huff* don't...ugh."

Shido faints.

Quill drags Shido to a nearby bench, slapping his face lightly.

"Let me try."

Cassie winds up for the slap of the century only for Shido to wake up and avoid it at the last minute.

Cassie falls and slaps herself.


Shido runs around the gym from an extremely angry Cassie.


Shido escapes via the Boys Locker Room.

"Hey! What the- WHO IS PUSHING ME!"

To be safe Shido goes further inside the locker room and meets up with the Sports Club.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

(Itachi uses Intimidation. IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE)

Before Shido can answer John comes out of a nearby locker.

"Well we want to join the Sports Club."

"W-Wait I didn't-"

Itachi looks surprised since the two looked weak and scrawny and the fact that a student came out of a locker.

"Before I let you join we'll have to see what you've got."

John grabs Shido's arm and throws him a tracksuit.

"Here, put this on."

Shido reluctantly puts on the tracksuit.

"We're running."

"I'm not physically capable to do this."

John puts his hand on Shido's shoulder.

D-DLC: RivalsWhere stories live. Discover now