Eliminating Osano

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Ayano's Poem

This will be easy
He's like her
I hope he's ready
Because this will be deadly

Ayano arrives at the Student Council Room to be greeted by Akane.

"Unm...why did you bring me here." Ayano gives Akane a questioning look. "Well I have been informed that you are in trouble and I want to help you win." Akane gives Ayano a sinister smile. "What do you mean by...help me win?" Akane giggles. "I know that you killed Megami Saikou in your previous save." Ayano becomes shocked. "You see she got her memories back thanks to Monika and Info-Chan gave me back my memories and Megami...she isn't the nicest person and I want to have my revenge on her." Well this is new. "What did she do to you anyway." Akane folds he right arm to reveal lots of cuts and bruises. "This is what she did." Oh.My.God. I did not expect that. "I see, now what's the plan." Akane covers her arm. "Easy, stalk Osano and kill him." Akane gives Ayano a knife with dried blood. "Whose blood is-" Akane interrupts Ayano. "That's the blood of Megami. The one you killed." Ayano leaves the room and finds Osano walking.

Ayano follows Osano everywhere as in EVERYWHERE. The halls, the classrooms, even the boy's bathroom. All because she wants him out IMMEADIATELY.

While stalking Osana she notices a difference in Osano's Routine. "Why is he going to Info-Chan's room?" Osano suddenly stops and throws a knife with a note tied to it behind him. Ayano dodges just in time. She picks up the knife and tries to stab Osano but he dodges it and kicks Yandere-Chan's face. "Ughhh!" Ayano falls down hard. Osano gets on top of her and looked ready to stab her only for Info-Chan to slice off Osano's head. "C'mon get inside. Ayano and Info-Chan get inside and locks the doors. "Here wear this." Info-Chan tosses Ayano a school uniform. "Thanks for saving me back there."  Ayano changes into the school uniform. "No problem and besides he's one of hers." Info-Chan sits down and calls someone on her phone. "Hey, it's me...I called because you owe me...I need you to get a body...he's dead...I DON'T CARE JUST GET HIM OFF OF SCHOOL GROUNDS...Thank you." "Who was that?" Info-Chan stands up. "Just one of my many contacts." "But how will they get in though." Imfo-Chan walks over to Ayano. "Thanks to Akane they are allowed to enter school grounds. By the way why is there a note tied to a knife." Ayano opens the note.

It Reads:

Roses are dead
Violets are you
This is just the beginning
Of the end for YOU

"Strange this isn't Monika's handwriting." That's because it's Megami's." Ayano falls on the floor. "Akane what the-" "Relax it's only a hologram which I installed so that she doesn't have to go to my room." Ayano stands up. "But why?" Info-Chan fixes her glasses. "Having a Student Council member in my room is considered suspicious in the eyes of everyone so we talk via hologram which I got from one of my contacts." Akane laughs. "It was a guy from Area 51." Akane blushes a bit. "So there's 3 of us who know M&M's plan." "4 actually." Says Info-Chan. Suddenly the door opens to reveal MC. "I'm here to help."

So Megami and Monika vs. Akane, Ayano, Info and MC. Anyway, this book has 4 endings. I can only reveal two endings which are the Crossover Games ending which continues the rivalry of Monika and Ayano in my other story which will be updated AFTER this book has that ending and the Death by Corruption ending which will also have it's own book. The other ones...well it's pretty much the only endings that can be called an ending. So yeah thank you to everyone who read this book. Love you! <3

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