Rival Battle Royal pt.3 (Ending 2 of 4)

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Night 5

Nobody has died for the past few days and nights so Monika decided to add something fun.

<Spawn> StormFortnite <Spawn>

The Storm from Fortnite appears and it closes the girls in except for The DDLC Girls and The Crush Crush Girls. Which leaves Monika, Yuno, Undyne, Oka, Asu, Ayano, and Megami as the only girls alive in the game.

Monika and Megami hide in a cave.
Yuno finds an injured Asu.
Undyne finds Oka dragging dead bodies into a pentagram.
Ayano hunts for Megami and Monika.

"Yahh!" Yuno throws her knife towards the injured lef of Asu but she rolls out just in time. Yuno grabs knife and tries to stab Asu but Asu grabs a piece of wood and smacks Yuno's face hard causing Yuno to faint. Asu grabs the knife and walks away slowly.

Undyne looks at Oka from a distance and summons a spear. Before she can come out of the bushes, Oka summons a bunch of hands from the earth. Oka senses the presence of Undyne and tries to kill her but Undyne dodges every hand and stabs them all with her spear. Smoke surround Oka and an orange light illuminates from the smoke and Undyne runs away before she gets turned into dinner.

Ayano runs away from the Storm and looks for Monika and Megami. Where  are they? Ayano finds them in a cave and waits for them to go to sleep. After a few minutes, Monika and Megami sleeps and Ayano sneaks in the cave and kills Megami. She stabs Monika but turns out she stabbed a hologram of Monika. "Thanks for handling my problem." Ayano throws her knife towards Monika but she glitches away. "You see, I can't kill her because I only have 1 outfit, unlike the other girls..." Ayano kicks Monika but she counters by grabbing her leg and twisting it, breaking Ayano's leg. "...But you helped me out so I'll let you live...for another day." Monika disappears leaving Ayano to hold her leg.

Day 6

Monika is nowhere to be found.
Oka burns down the forest.
Yuno runs away but her phone falls and burns, killing her.
Asu steps on a bear trap and burns to death
Undyne runs away and swims at a nearby lake.
Ayano grabs her knife and escapes the forest before she gets engulfed in flames.

Night 6

Monika is nowhere to be-&5869)9)& I'm still here
Oka can't take it anymore and burns herself.
Ayano guts Undyne with her knife.

Ayano and Monika are the only ones remaining so Monika teleports Ayano to where she is. A distorted version of Akademi High. "Well done Ayano Aishi, but your time is up. They start fighting until they disappear.

(Read The Crossover Games to see what happens with Ayano and Monika.)

"Sister please...look behind you." Megami's Aunt looks behind her to see Nemesis. "Please listen to me...just give up." "NO I KNOW SHE'S HERE! SHE IS MY SISTER!" Nemesis sighs. "I'm sorry." She stabs the aunt at her stomach.

Akane, MC, and Senpai go back to Akademi High continuing their lives. MC and Senpai become a couple and Akane becomes the Student Council Preeident.

Good-ish End?

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