(3) Weirdo Love God

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   After I took a shower I tuned off the ceiling lights and turned on the bedside lamp. I slid under the bed covers and stared at the ceiling, examining the patterns. Then I started thinking. Thinking about what happened today. Why do I have to be so obstinate? I don't have to be so stubborn. I lightly punched my fist down, then sighed. Landon, Landon, Landon, Landon! Why do you have to be a playboy? Why aren't you serious? I should stay away from you, because in the end, I'm the one who gets hurt.

   "No, you're not," an old man's voice echoed through the room. If you can call bouncing three inches in bed jumping, then I jumped in my bed. I covered my head inside my blanket. I'm hallucinating. I'm hallucinating...

   "Aww, you're not hallucinating," the voice talked again. There was a bright flash in the room

   "Ahh!" my blanket was snatched away from me like when my mom used to do to wake me up for school when I was little. I huddled in a ball and shut my eyes tightly together.

   "Oh, come on. I'm not that scary," the voice said. It's right beside my bed now. I scooted away from him. "Hey, if you don't get up, I'm not going to help you with your little love problem."

   "Love problem? What do you mean? Who are you?" still not looking at that him, I asked in my little huddled ball.

   "Well, I'm the Chinese Cupid. Dealing with love problems is my job, and don't you dare ask is there really a Chinese Cupid. Yes, there is, and he is me. I'm here because I'm doing my job, and I know what's your problem." the "Chinese Cupid" said.

   "Really? So, you're like a Chinese love god or something," I slowly turned around and peeked with one of my eyes. What I see is a really old guy with a white beard that reaches his waist, his white hair in a bun hold together with a red rubber band and a white, marble-looking stick, and a really bright red...bathrobe? No, it's like a kimono or something. Anyway, if I could describe him in one word, it would be this-is-a-really-really-really-weird-old-dude-here.

   The weird old love god said,"Tea, you should know by now that I hear what you're thinking." he paused for a second as if he was thinking about something, then finally said,"If Landon had known what you were thinking, those things wouldn't have happened."

   "You mean, if he had known that I liked him, he wouldn't ignore me?" I asked confused.

   "Not exactly, but do you want my help or not? If not, I'm leaving," the love god yawned. "Love gods need sleep too, whether they're Chinese or not."

   "Yes, yes, yes, I need your help. I can never get Landon to like me if I work by myself." I pleaded.

   "Are you sure? But you yourself will still have to work if I help you." the Chinese Cupid said.

   "What? What do you mean?" I'm even more confused. So is he going to help me or not?

   "I'm going to help you, but this might take a little explaining. Ok, before I start all the explaining, I want you to understand a fact," the Chinese love god looked serious.

   I sat up in my bed and got prepared to listen to whatever this weirdo god has got to say,"Ok, go ahead."

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