(8) Bath

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A fragrance drifted into my nose, and I looked down at the plate I was holding. It was a plateful of flower petals. I looked at the maid who was holding this before, "Um, may I ask, what are these flower petals for?"

That girl who had held the flower plate looked at me and smiled, "Have you never bathe in flower petals before?"

"No..." I replied naturally.

"You don't want to smell bad tonight. The flower just makes you smell better," the girl replied.

"Oh, ok, that's smart," I said. Considering that there's no body wash or anything, people can still find ways to smell good. "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. So rude of me, what are your names?" I had been too absorbed in exploring this place that I forgot to ask their names. They're like serving me so well, yet I don't even know their names. I wonder if I could let them come with me when I leave this place. They deserve a lot more than having to work at a place like this. I don't expect their wages here be high either.

"I'm Xiao Lan, and this is my sister Xiao Qing," the one who had been holding the flower petals originally spoke. Ok, so her name means blue and her sister green. Very creative names.

Xiao Lan grabbed a hand full of flower petals and sprinkled them in the tub. She did this until the surface is covered all in flower petals. Xiao Qing walked to me and took the plate from me. "Here, I'll take it," she says.

   She set the basket down and walks back to me...and unties the knot on my waist which I think holds my "dress" together. "Hey, stop. What're you doing?" I retied my dress back and stepped away from her.

   "We're helping you undress and bathe," Xiao Qing replied, confused.

   "No, I can do that myself. You guys can leave now." The last thing I want to do at a total foreign place is having someone, no, two people, watching me take a bath.

   No thanks, not me.

   "But Madam instructed us..." Xiao Lan started talking, but I cut her off.

   "No, I am capable of bathing myself. Thanks, but no thanks," I said and almost pushed them out the door.

I'm not sure how to lock that door so I went ahead and just carried the two tables by the window to the door to block anyone from entering through the door.

I walked to the tub and sighed. Ok, let's take a bath then, even though I just took one before bed.

I untied the knot around my waist to find it only held the outer layer together. It was kind of like a robe. Oh, yeah, that love god was wearing something similar, except his is red and mine is blue. The layer underneath is white though. There was another knot on the right side of my stomach, and I untied it...to find there's still something underneath. It was like a light, silky tank top. I guess that's my undergarment.

I took a quick bath and put my dress back on. The tank top, the white, then the blue outer robe. Just as I was tying my blue robe, there came a knock on the door. "Miss Tang, may we come in. We have your clean dress."

Oh yeah, the dress I have on has been rolling on the ground downstairs. I quickly moved the tables away and opened the door. It was a red silky dress placed on a plate. I took it from Xiao Lan and blocked her entrance. "Thank you, Xiao Lan," I said and closed the door again. I moved the tables back and replaced the blue with the red silky outer dress.

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