(62) Fantasy

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   I think I have a little bit of dementia.

   Or at least that's what it feels like. I was doing my homework, but it was hard remembering what I was doing since, technically, I had the classes a week ago. I had done a little "yesterday," also known as Friday, also known as a week ago, so I only had a little bit to finish today. I'm glad I did some yesterday, or I wouldn't be able to do it. Just think that after tonight, my memory of my classes would be two weeks old, and there is no way I can pick up what I'm doing today "tomorrow."

   Monday is also becoming scarier than usual. It'll feel as if I haven't been to class in a month. If a teacher call on me to answer a question, it will be the end of me.

   I sighed. I guess there are pros and cons about traveling in time, but I think it's worth it. First, in ancient China, my parents won't be able to yell at me for having a boyfriend at fourteen. Well, I think I'm in a relationship? We've never really proclaimed ourselves as boyfriend and girlfriend, but we're getting married....

   So I guess we are in a relationship. Mmm, so, if we're in a relationship, then it's ok to think about Landon, right? Lan Deng, I mean. So, what fantasy should I have about him? His eyes, they sparkle like moon on a lake when he smiles. His hair is sleek like night, and his lips...

   Screech!! No. Ahem. Ew. What am I thinking? Stop it, brain, driving so fast. You're going to car wreck. No. No. No. Let's think about something else. Like, like, like, cakes. Yeah. Um. Strawberry shortcakes. The strawberry sauce, the cream, the soft cake. The sweet and sour strawberries.


   I'm hungry.

   I put my pencil down, closed my diary, and put it in my desk drawer. Ok, I think I'm caught up in my diary.

   There was a knock on my door. I turned around as my dad opened the door. "Bedtime," he said. "Go brush your teeth and go to bed."

   "Ok," I stood up and pushed in my chair.

   My hair was still a bit wet, so I blow dried it before I brushed my teeth. What luxury.

   After I finished brushing my teeth, I almost flew into bed. I cuddled my thick blanket, wanting to hold longer to my warm self before I'm tossed back to the Cha'er who is now sleeping on the ground with a thin brown blanket, under the stars.

   It may sound very adventurous, fun, and romantic, but it really isn't. I would prefer my own bed any day over the ground.

I turned off my bedside lamp and was finally starting to get warm and sleepy. Then, well, I fell asleep.

And woke up to sky lighting up slowly with five minutes of sleep.

I sat up and welcomed the totally longed for sore on the legs and feet. Some people are up too, but most are still asleep. The sun hasn't peaked the horizon yet, but I know they'll wake up soon enough.

I threw my hands up and pulled myself upwards, stretching. After the good stretch, I slouched back down and picked my blanket up and walked over to the cart. I looked over to the cart with the food and saw a soldier sleeping near the cart and decided not to go near it. I'm not that hungry anyway. I'll go get food later when everyone else is up, I decided.

When I returned to the tree trunk that I slept under last night, I see that Landon is already up. I awkwardly did a little wave with my hand.

One of Landon's eye brows raised a bit, and a smile protested to be drawn up on one corner of his mouth. He suddenly dropped his smile and pretended to look serious and stood up straighter. He held his hand in a fist and lightly patted himself on his chest.

I knitted my brows and looked at him weirdly. For a second, I thought that he has switched his personality to be a weirdo, instead of a gentleman, but something clicked in my head. He's trying to act buff and telling me to do the same. Maybe my wave was a little too girly?

I held my drooping head a bit higher and stood straighter like him and mimicked his gesture. I cleared my throat and lowered my voice, "Good morning, Lieutenant General!"

   There was a loud snore near where I was standing, and a soldier opened his eyes and looked up irritably. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth with my hand. Was I too loud? I noticed my own gesture and lowered my hands and swallowed. Landon, on the other hand, seemed to accidentally let out a laugh.

   I looked at him accusingly and hurried over to his side. When I neared him, he said in a quiet tone, "Follow me."

   I looked at him questionably, but I followed. He led me away from the camp and a bit into the woods. The trees were getting a bit thicker, but, soon, the trees broke and was cut through by a ray of sun.

   I think I know why he wanted to bring me here. When he turned around, I lifted my myself up and gave him a hug. "Landon, how are you so sweet here?" Why are you so mean in modern time?

   Ooh. I finally have some girlfriend-boyfriend feels. I think a smile is poking at my cheeks, "Thank you for being so sweet."

Author's Note: Ah, well, I said by this weekend, but I didn't make it. It's a day late, but I hope you'll still accept it? Pretty please with Glass's face in your face.

Glass: (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)

Lan Deng: "I think I've never been invited to the author's note before. I feel left out."

Rain: "Well, you're here now, or else how are you speaking?"

Lan Deng: "Isn't that a biting comment."

Tea: [sugar-honey] "Don't make fun of Landon~ It's his first time on the author's note~~"

Rain: [disgusted] "Eww. Get that love-sick girl out of here."

Tea: [being carried away by Rain's minions] "Eh! Eh! Landon's still there! Put me down! Landon...!"

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