(11) The Event

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   "Ok, we're coming," I shouted to the girl outside the door. I'm pretty sure that was Xiao Qing. As I descended the stairs, I noticed that where before the stage by the stairs was empty, the procuress was onstage.

   With several other girls around the age of sixteen or seventeen.

   "Um...Miss?" I called to the procuress, wanting to ask what's going on. All the girls onstage looked at me, except the procuress. "Miss," I called again, a little louder this time. The girls continued to stare at me.

   As if noticing my trouble, Xiao Lan whispered, "Miss, it's Madam, not Miss."

   "Oh," I started blushing. Oh, so that was why Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing has been calling her Madam. I thought it was ok to call her either way. Apparently not. "Madam," I called. This time, she turned around and looked at me.

   "Yes?" she asked, not very happy seeing me.

   "Um, why is there so many people onstage?"

   "I told you; I was going to prepare an event to sell your first nights tonight," she answered, annoyed that she had to say that again.

   "But I thought it was only my..." my voice faded. I did not need to continue. It was obvious that it was not mine only. She frowned at me but didn't say anymore.

   As she turned around, she instructed me to come onstage already. I finished my flight down the stairs and Xiao Lan showed me the steps up the stage. I got up there and stood by the girl closest to me, and I just stared at Madam from there.

   She was busy doing something that I was not interested in, so I cast my glance down the stage. There were people coming in, and people who were already sitting at a seat, looking up the stage. I wonder if Landon will be down there. With curiosity and a bit of hope, I looked around, but I was disappointed. The room was big, but not everywhere was a seat. There were more people now than when I first came into the room, though.

   Then a loud clap drew my attention back to Madam. "Every Master and Young lord, look here please. The monthly auction for untouched girls is right now. The first girl is Ling'er. The one beside me." Madam waved her hand towards the girl at the opposite end of me. I looked at her along with every male downstage. She was young too, I would guess probably fifteen. She looked nervous. I would bet she is. This prostituting business really isn't right. Maybe I can let that love god do something about it. Yes, when that love god start talking to me again, that would be the first thing I ask of him.

   "And following Ling'er is Shuan'er..." the Madam went on introducing the girls. Then something else caught my eyes.

   Someone came in through the doors. A teenage boy around eighteen or so. I recognized him by first sight. Even though his turquoise blue eyes are now black, and his wavy brown hair is now also black, that doesn't make his familiar face become unfamiliar.

   It's an older version of Landon.

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