(59) Mall

89 7 3

   I closed my eyes and just soaked in my bed.

After about a few more seconds, I took a sharp intake of breath and opened my eyes as I let the breath out. My calculations were so off...

Then again, I didn't have an accurate calculation in the first place anyway.

I looked at the clock. It's nine on the dot. Ha. Even better. Mom should come wake me up any minute now.

Oh well, she's not here yet. I pull the covers up a bit more and breathed in the smell of my blanket. Ahhhhh...

I closed my eyes again, and the door opened.

"Wake up," Mom's voice pierced the air. "Tea," she called again.

I opened my eyes again and turned in the soft mess to face Mom. "Wake up," Mom said again. "Didn't you say you're going to meet your friend?"

I groaned, "Yeah." Mom doesn't understand the torment I've been through these few days...

Can't I just stay in bed, like, for just five more minutes?

"Come on, Tea, I don't have forever. It's Saturday. You want to enjoy it, but so do I," Mom talked as she walked over to my window and opened the blinds. "So here's the plan, teacup."

   I rolled my eyes.

   "I'll drive you to the mall, give you about two hours to roam around, and you'll come find me  at the food court. We'll have lunch with that friend of yours, then we go home. Alright, sounds good?" Without waiting for my answer, Mom nodded with a, "Good."

   Only two hours? I rolled my head to Mom, "Mom..."

   "Get up if you want to meet Lucy at all," Mom cut me off.

   "Ok," I groaned as I rolled out of bed, "but only two hours, Mom?"

   I was suddenly overcome by a short spasm of dizziness. Whoa, everything feels taller. Or am I just shorter? I looked over at Mom, and she looked at me too. Her expression was calm as always. I don't appear shorter to her?

   Mom crossed her arms, "Or one. Which would you prefer, teacup?"

   I grumbled, "Two."

   "Ok, then, go brush your teeth and wash your face. I'll go prepare breakfast."

   "Ok," I replied and sighed.


   When we arrived at the mall, I texted Lucy and asked her where to meet, and she replied that we meet her at the food court. I had put on a pair of white jeans and a light pink shirt with white sneakers. It actually feels a bit awkward wearing jeans. The texture of it feels a bit weird. Is this the effect of being in ancient China for too long? I was almost awe by how quickly I changed this morning. No inside robe, outside robe, tie the knot, do the hair, put a hairpin in, try not to whack yourself with the hairpin, etc. Just shirt, pants, shoes, ponytail, and ready to go. I miss modern day.

   I was still texting Lucy (oh, and I miss miss missed my phone), asking for her exact location when I saw a hand waving in the distant. I ran over to her and gave her a light hug.

   "Alright, girls, here's the plan," Mom explained the plan again and let us go.

   "Where do you want to go first?" I asked excitedly. I haven't been to the mall with Lucy for a long time.

   Lucy pointed to one of the clothe shops, and her eyes brightened as she dragged me in that direction.

   We walked out with a bag each filled with a cute shirt as my eyes landed on a hair accessories shop. This time, my eyes lit up, and I whispered, "Let's go there."

   There were all kinds of hair bands, barrettes, flower crowns, and other stuff. I touched them carefully, almost afraid that I'll break it and tried a few of them on. There were tiny mirrors hanging from the shelves of hair accessories, and I examined myself with the different decorations on. Lucy seemed to be enjoying a few wacky ones. I was walking sideways down the aisle, trying not to miss any really pretty ones. There was one hairband that looked cute with mystical wire and diamond designs, and I held it in my hands, keeping it for checkout.

   I walked into the next aisle, and the whole style changed. I looked down the aisle, and the entire aisle was dedicated to hairpins. I set the hairband down to pluck one of the hairpins from the shelf and turned it in my hands. The fashion almost looks like the kind they have in ancient China. The one I held was a green gem hairpin embedded with designs swirling around the center jewel. I cocked my head and was thinking how did they think to sell Chinese hairpins here when a voice sounded behind me.

   A hand holding a red jeweled hairpin with flower decorations entered my vision. Following the hand up, I see a pair of turquoise blue eyes and wavy brown hair.

   With a gentle grin.


Author's Note: So, here's my Valentine's gift for you guys. Haha. Next day turned into two weeks later...uh...ahem. Would you like an extra Valentine's gift? I'll offer choices. Would you like a special 3 day Q and A session in my next part where you can ask questions that are appropriate and relates to the story in the comments or a special Valentine's Day chapter. Note: the chapter is not a continuation of the story. It's relative, but doesn't continue on the plot. Leave comments to choose! Or I'll just assume the Q and A session.

(Haha,  I'm totally not picking  the easier choice)

But anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!!

Oh, also, if it's assumed/Q and A, I'll post that chapter on Saturday. (Yes, this means that if I don't receive a comment wanting a Valentines chapter by Saturday, it's Q and A) If it's Valentine chapter, then...I don't have a date...but it won't be too long! I mean, it's a VALENTINES chapter. I won't drag it too long. You hope. ( ̄∇ ̄)

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