(28) Court of Fragranced Plums

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   We had a big discussion tonight about whether I was allowed to sit with the Great General's family during their dinner.

   Seeing the disapproving look on the "Great Mistress's" (Landon's mom) face, I kind of didn't want to sit with them anyway. I didn't like the tension.

When the Great Mistress heard that I asked to sit with myself, she lightly, "Hmf," through her nose. That was rude! I did what she wanted, and she still acted stuck up. I mean, I only care because I'm going to be part of their family in the future. If they were like total strangers, I wouldn't have cared.

I guess this internal ranting probably needs to stop. I can't even rebuke her, even if I was back to the twenty-first century. She was my authority.

Landon had nicely asked to sit with me, but the Great General said that was foolish, blah, blah.

"If she became so important to you that you forsook your own family, she is not worthy to enter this family." Blah, blah, stupid stuff.

So in the end, Landon had to obey his father, or else he was not allowed to marry me.

Oh well, it's not like I'm really marrying him. Well, I kind of am, but not really. I guess? Whatever. It's confusing.

At least I'm not totally alone. I've still got Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing here. I asked them to sit down and eat with me (I didn't want two people staring at me while I'm eating), and Xiao Lan, seeing there was no one near, was about to when Xiao Qing said it was inappropriate and went against the rules.

   I sighed. I didn't feel like arguing. "Ok, but you can still sit if you want to though. I don't mind, and you can trust me not to tell anyone."

   Xiao Lan look like she's really tempted, but Xiao Qing apparently is a real rule-follower. Abided by peer pressure, Xiao Lan forced herself to stand still. 

   "Ok, you two, don't say I didn't offer for you to sit down. I did, but you just refused it," I said. I picked up my chopstick and started eating. To think I had to ask Xiao Lan how to use a chopstick when I first arrived here. It was so embarrassing.

   The food here is really good. Even better than at Landon's house. I swept through the food like a hurricane and sat back satisfied. They've got some really good cooks here. It's like eating at a five star restaurant for free. I like this kind of living style.

Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing put the empty bowls and plates back on the tray and was about to take it away when I stopped them and told them I could do it myself. I can do some basic chores now and then. I don't want to make myself into a real pig.

I came into the kitchen and was about to ask where to put the tray when I saw the big bucket of dirty dishes. Seeing that all the cooks were busy doing their work, I didn't bother with them and silently dumped it in the bucket and walked back to my court.

Unlike at Landon's house, I didn't just have a room, I also had a whole court all to myself. The plum trees in my court is also the source of my court's name "Mei Xiang Yuan," meaning the court of fragranced plums, but the trees are green like the grass scattered in my court. There are no flowers——not like I know what season they bloom.

I wonder if I could see my court in full bloom.

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