(69) Visit

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In case I drag my plan out and leave holes in the scheme, I have taken a a little brown packet of the so called Menghan Yao and hid it in my clothes flap in front of my chest while the others left for lunch.

Okay, so, now all I have to do is wait for Landon to fulfill his promise of coming to visit me every three days.

Hmm, if I give him the Menghan Yao the same time I give him the pill, would chemical reactions happen between the two? I wouldn't end up poisoning him, would I?

Ugh, why is Landon so fragile! I seem to find a way to kill him every time I try to think about saving him. I sighed, and my stomach growled. Oh right, lunch.

If I don't go back, they'll start getting suspicious again. A bunch of suspicious people. Stop being so alert! A group of incosiderate people making my job harder, hmph.

I lifted the flap to the tent, and, before I could react, a swift hand came over my mouth and dragged me away from the medical tent quickly. Their movements were hasty, but careful so as not to hurt me. Mmmmph! Who is it now? Both times that I'm ever mugged happens to be in ancient China. I get what Old Man means now that ancient China is dangerous.

I tried to pry the hand away and see who's mugging me this time when a soft hush sounded above me. I'm not as frightened as last time because, after all, this is the military camp, and nobody is going to kill me here. It would be too suspicious, right? I'm counting on you to keep me alive, military base; don't let me down. I just needed to know who is was. The hush sounded familiar...

When we are alone in a shadowy, deserted corner of the camp, the kidnapper let go of me. I turned around, and I saw the person I've been thinking about, unsurprisingly. Unsurprised, but overjoyed. A bright grin broke my face.

"Landon!" I whispered. I do admit that, at first, I had been worried that it was Miss Li or someone in her sevice, but when I heard the hush, I became suspicious that it is him.

A look of relief softly washed into his eyebrows when he saw my face. His relaxation pronounced his weary expression. "How has it been in the medical tent? Are you able to manage?" he lightly asked.

I nodded my head. "I'm fine," I answered. "Are you okay? You seem really tired." A light breeze lifted some strands of his high ponytailed hair.

He looks kind of pale. He's okay, right? I've always fed him the life extending pill on time. He has always looked fine. He's okay, right?

"I'm fine. I just haven't slept or ate in a whole day and night. We were too busy discussing plans and strategies for the upcoming battle." Landon replied.

Is that what he calls fine? Haven't closed his eyes or filled his stomach in twenty-four hours! Do the military camp torture their own leaders like this all the time? "Landon," I scrunched my brows. What is he doing here now? It's lunchtime. He should be eating instead of coming to find me. I won't die if he doesn't come visit me for a couple of days. Now, he will, if he doesn't come in three days. But, it's only been a day, he should take better care of himself. "You need to go eat. Right now. I'm fine. As long as you're fine, I'm fine," I looked him dead in the eye and tried to sound as serious as possible.

Landon's lips tugged at the corners. He patted my head and said, "Okay, my dear Cha'er. I just wanted to come see you. My exhaustion feels better now that I've seen you. I'll go eat now. You need to do the same." He pasued for a second, and a sigh slipped from him as he bent his neck and gently placed a kiss on the top of my hair.

His height over me has always given me the illusion that I am the one needing the protection, but, I think, he is the one needing the protection. His soft smile, gentle eyes, and light brows are all things I want to protect.

At this moment, I just want to hug him and be his guardian, so he wouldn't have to suffer.

So I did. I hugged him and tried to lend him some of my power and energy.

   Even though I'm trying to keep the moment perfect, but I can't help but notice that Landon needs a bath. I'll tell him that later, so this moment will keep going for s tad bit longer before we head for lunch.

   Unwillingly, Landon pulled away from the hug, and I commanded him to go eat lunch. Because the Lieutenant General and the medical helpers are at different ranks, we couldn't eat lunch together, so as I head off towards the medical group's and soldiers' eating quarter, I took one last look at Landon.

   Landon left, and the whole atmosphere seemed to just crash. It was almost as if I was pulled out of a bubble. A bit hesitantly, I walked into the eating quarters and sat down near the medical group at the end of the tables.

   And when I have had my share of food, did I remember the most important thing to do. The Menghan Yao is still inside the folds of my clothes. I'll have to wait until tomorrow before Landon comes to see me again, for the three day promise.

   But wait, I didn't expect him to come today. What if he came today and thought that he didn't have to come tomorrow?

   I should've reminded him to come tomorrow! Goodness, Tea! Your awful memory! Please, please let Landon come tomorrow.

   I have been verified, once again, that spying is not the job for me. I would do much better in school for average kids, learning normal subjects, than trying and failing miserably at surviving in ancient China.

Author: Phew. This is my second update for this week. The second one consecutively, in fact. Come and praise me!! (Just kidding. This is actually a make up for having two week updates for the past few weeks)

Q: How do you think Tea will get Landon to consume the Menghan Yao?

A.) She'll put it in his tea or something that he'll originally consume.

B.) She'll feed it to him by mouth~~~

C.) She'll shove it down his throat. (Rain, did you come up with this one??)

D.) I have a different opinion.

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