(37) Blush

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Landon then looked at me, smiling. His eyes seemed to sparkle. Not the dark, prideful kind of sparkle that Zichen had. It was a bright sparkle. "Cha'er, what do you like?"

I looked confused. What? He must be ADD. I can't keep up with his train of thoughts, but I replied anyway. "I...I like to read?"

"Oh, then you like books?" Landon asked. His eyes looked at me. Umm...why is he looking at me? Look away. Stop looking at me.

Fine, you don't look away?


I'll look away.

I turned to the right. "Yeah, I like books."

I feel like Landon is smiling, "Can't tell. Cha'er has some knowledge in her head."

My eyes turned poisonous as I looked at Landon. I cleared my throat. "'Can't tell'? What do you mean by you 'can't tell' I have tons of wisdom in my brain? Don't you see that my wisdom is overlapping? Or else how do you think you got the smartness that you have now? Huh? Yes, you learned it all from me, and no, you don't have to verbally thank me. I know you already feel the greatest of thanks at the deepest of your heart. So you're welcome."

I looked at him challengingly. He opened his mouth for a second but closed it again. He finally sighed, smiling.

Hehe. Beat you for once. Hehe, so it isn't that hard to win Landon after all. I was still swimming in the pool of proudness for myself when I felt a whack on my head. I looked up with my forehead crinkled.

I half expected it to be Landon, but, no, it's Zichen. I looked at him and wanted to get mad, but his face when he threatened to kill Landon suddenly popped into my head.

Zichen's face looked lighthearted. "Dummy, can't you tell that Lan Deng is letting loose on you? Look at the way your face is glowing with pride."

I rolled my eyes. Whatever, Zichen. Couldn't you have let me be happy for another minute? And anyway, you look really fake with that laughing face of yours. Nobody cares about your threat...

Zichen's eyes were still creased from his curved mouth, but there was a sudden flicker of something dangerous in them, which successfully cut off the rest of my chain of thoughts.

I swallowed.

"Don't worry too much, Cha'er. I will say, you did make me become speechless for a moment," Landon commented. "Zichen, we have bothered Cha'er for the whole morning. Let's leave some alone time for her."

Zichen looked away from me, but his smile was still kept on. He faced Landon, "Of course, Lan Deng, it's my fault. I have bothered your bride for too long. I should leave some time for you and your bride to increase your relationship." There was a tint of laughter in his words.

Landon coughed, "Zichen, I'm coming with you."

I tilted my head. Landon's head was slightly lowered, and a few long strands of his hair drooping by the side of his forehead covered half of his face. Well, at least half of his face is hidden from my angle, but, through the crevices in between his hair, is his face pink?! Pink?! As in light red?! As in the light red from blood surfacing to the skin?! As in the common word for such events, blush?!

I mentally dramatically gasped to myself. Landon is blushing! But, wait, why is he blushing? What's so embarrassing about what Zichen said? Increasing our relationship can be done by drinking tea, and just talking. What is he thinking?

Hmm, Landon, we're not married yet. Please keep your distance from me, even in your thoughts.

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