(14) Old Man Under the Moon

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   "Ok, you can get up now," the love god's voice said. I pushed Landon off of me, and he fell onto the ground.

   "Thanks a lot for coming before he said those creepy words," I sat up and got off the bed. I helped Landon back on the bed and put the blanket over him. I looked at his sleeping face and blushed.

   The love god shrugged, "I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to you. There wasn't anything that happened."

   "But it almost did," my heart started beating faster as I remembered what had happened. "So we're just going to let Landon sleep and pretend nothing ever happened next morning?"

   "Quite so," he said.

   "Wait, really? I was just guessing. I didn't think you're actually going to do that." Seriously? That's what we're doing? He should do something more assuring than just making Landon pass out.

   "Yes, that's exactly what we're going to do," the love god nodded

   "So you're sure that because you knocked him out, he's going to fall in love with me, and he's going to buy me from this place?" I asked. The question sounded even sarcastic to me. How can it be true?

   "Yes, indeed, indeed," the love god calmly nodded his head.

   "Ok, I'm seriously concerned that you put some love spell on him. People don't just fall in love like that," I concluded.

   "No, of course I wouldn't do something so despicable," the love god shook his head. "I promise, Tea, it's true love, however unrealistic it seems. If you absolutely want an explanation, well, you can tell yourself that Landon just has a weird taste for love. A really weird one."

   I was silent for a moment and looked at the love god. He seemed truthful enough. I guess. He looks stern, but I'm not sure if he really is serious. Maybe?

   "Ok, Tea, it's getting annoying," the love god frowned. My heart skipped a beat. Oh no, I forgot he can hear what I'm thinking. He doesn't like me doubting him so much.

   "Stop calling me 'love god, love god.' If you don't like calling me Chinese Cupid like what others would call, then call me my actual name. Yue Lao. That's what the Chinese call me. I don't care which name you call me, just call me by an actual name.

   "Gosh, you scared me, love god. I thought you were mad because..."

   "Chinese Cupid or Yue Lao," the love god restated.

   "Ok, ok, I get it, but why is your Chinese name so weird? Moon Old? Seriously? Where'd you get that name from?" I am seriously curious.

   "My full name is the Old Man Under the Moon," the supposedly "Old Man Under the Moon" says.

   "Ok, Old Man Under the Moon," I said.

   "You can just call me Yue Lao though," the Old Man Under the Moon says.

   "Ok, Old Man Under the Moon,"

   "Tea, why do I have a feeling that name is going to stick around at least for the next few days?"

   "It just might, Old Man Under the Moon."

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