(27) Oops

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He's Zack. Zichen is Zack. Just like Landon, he seems older, but his face features didn't change. Especially his hair and eye color. The Zack I know had the same black hair and black eyes. Zichen's voice is a little deeper, so I didn't recognize him right away, but the second I saw his face, I know he's Zack.

Now, there is only two conclusions. Either Zack time traveled here too, or, Zichen is Zack's past life.

"Zack? Is that you?" I asked.

"What is that?" He looks confused.

I can't take the first reaction for serious. Zack's always joking around.

"Zack, stop playing. Is it you in there?" I tried again. I hope it's Zack. He's one of the first few friends I ever had. Having someone I know in this world makes me feel a little bit more assured.

"Zichen, you know Cha'er?" Landon asked.

"No, I don't know what she's talking about. This 'Zack' thing. I've never even heard of it. Have you, Lan Deng?" Zichen isn't Zack.

I felt a wave of disappointment.

   "Never mind what I said. Just take it that I was not awake yet. I was just dream talking." I said.

   "Dream talking? You're asleep?" Zichen looks like he's about to burst out laughing.

   "Yes! What's wrong with that? I just sleepwalked here. Now, bye bye."

   I turned around and ran, before I make anymore fool of myself.

   I kind of wanted to look at Landon's reaction, but I didn't dare to look back. He must be also trying to keep in a laugh while thinking that I'm being dumb again.

   If I were in his shoes, I would think the same thing.

I was turning on the path and can finally be out of their sight when the most unfortunate thing that can happen right now, happens. I don't know how I managed to make it happen.

My left foot kicked my right foot, making me stumble, and considering I was still running, I was pretty please that I caught myself before I fell.

Now, here's the bad news. I wasn't out of their sight yet. I slowly turned to peak at them, seeing if they saw my act of valor towards myself.

Both of them were looking at me, and when I turned around, both of them laughed. This is so embarrassing! I ran around the bushes, out of their sight.

   "Miss! Over here," Xiao Lan whisper shouted for me as she waved her hands to herself. Oh, yeah, I accidentally forgot about her. She was obediently standing by the curve of bushes, where I left her hanging.


I really didn't mean to just leave her there. I really did mean the "oops" when I said it. I promise I'm sorry.

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