(38) Argument

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   I closed the door with a sigh. Finally got those two guys out of my room.

   So I get free time right now. What should I do? Actually, I think it's pretty obvious what I should do. I have to come up with a battle plan. How am I suppose to get Landon to agree for me to go with him to the military base?

This is the right time to call on...

"Old Man? You there?" I called.

Tea, dear, I need my beauty sleep. I can't be available 24/7.

   "But it's urgent," I begged. "I need help with getting into the military base."

   Well, just use the beauty plan.

   "What? Beauty plan? What does that have anything to do with getting me into the military base?" I frowned.

   Beauty plan explanation: love plan.

   "What...?" My frown is definitely a little more dramatic.

   I think I heard a sigh.

   Tea, what I mean is that I want you to get close with Landon and persuade him to take you along with him to the military base.

   "...Get close with him?" For Pete's sake, can't Old Man explain it more clearly?

   I mean your relationship! Get your relationships closer!

"So you basically want me to seduce Landon?" I asked. The moment I realized what I said, my face exploded into a blaze. Seduce?! Wait, did I just say seduce?! Couldn't I have used a better verb? Like, uh, bribe. I could've said bribe. Why didn't I say bribe? I meant bribe. I mean, I meant for the meaning of seduce to be bribe. Yeah, I said bribe, not seduce. No, not seduce. I said bribe.

You said seduce.

My face is evolving into a bigger blaze. "No, I said bribe. I'm going to bribe Landon. Like, I don't know, with a lollipop or something." Oh, no. I can't talk. The more I talk, the more my face is burning. Think about lollipop, rainbow swirls of sweet candy. Lollipop. Lollipop. Lollipop.

Tea, you know seduce has more than one meaning. It doesn't have to be the meaning you're thinking right now. It can simply mean attracting someone or something. Like, for example, lollipops are seducing your thoughts right now.

I looked up in an attempt to roll my eyes. "Old Man, how many times do I have to say this?" I pursed my lips. "Can you please leave me some privacy in my thoughts? First of all, you're seriously violating my privacy. Second of all, it's rude to do that. I'm sure this isn't the first time I've said this."

   Ok, ok, but it's just a habit to do it around human, you know? I'll try not to do it anymore, happy now?

   I sighed through my nose. Finally got one annoying thing off my list. Wait, I'm off track. "Ok, what did you say about the beauty thing? I'm suppose to bribe him? How am I suppose to do that?"

   It's up to you. You can either sweet talk him into it, or......

   I cleared my throat. "There's not an or. I'm going to sweet talk him. Wait, how am I suppose to sweet talk him into it again?"

Well, first, you have to put away your mean looking face there and put on a sweet and slightly timid-looking face.

I put on a what's-wrong-with-you face. "That's the worst plan ever," I sweetly commented with my what's-wrong-with-you face.

Fine. You think of a better plan.

I was quiet for a few seconds. Er, what's a better plan, again? Hmm. Uh...hmm. What's a better plan? What's a better plan? Hmmmmm... Oh! I know, I can persuade him using persuading words.

Sure. What kind of persuading words?

"Hey! You said you won't read my thoughts anymore!" I shouted into nothingness.

Oops. I suppose I forgot to do it that time, but anyway, it's my job to help you get Landon to love you back. So reading your thoughts is actually part of my job description.

"But you just said that you won't read my thoughts anymore!" How can Old Man just plain out lie!

Hey, no need to get so mad. I was just playing with you earlier. And plus, I have a right to know.

"A right to know?! Who are you to me anyway? How come you have a right to know every thought that I have?! It's not like you're my parent or anything, and even if you were, you still don't have the right to know my thoughts!"

Hey, hey, chill out. I don't have to help you with this. If you want my help, this is the way I help.

I was still mad, but I seriously needed Old Man's help too. Now that my anger level has dropped a little, I realized that I did sound a little impudent. "Ok, fine, whatever. What am I suppose to tell Landon, though?"

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