(30) Stressed

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   As soon as we sat down in the lunchroom, I cut right to the subject. "Lucy, I had a dream. No, it's not a dream. No, it is, but I don't know if it is." Ok, I think I got myself confused.

"Ok, slow down. So you had a dream? What's it about?" Lucy asked.

"It's not a dream, but I'm not sure if it is," I frowned, that doesn't sound right. I can't seem to understand my own statement. "But anyway. We had the talk yesterday, right?"


"Ok, so it was last night," I confirmed with myself. "Last night, a bright light flashed in my room, and this love god person, wait, he's not a person. Anyway, he appeared and said I can travel back in time to change my and Landon's fate in our last life."

Lucy sighed, "Tea, I know you're sad because Landon had that kind of personality, and you have to give up on him because he won't take you seriously. That's why you had that dream. Right now, you just need to calm your heart and try to forget him. There are many boys who are a lot better than him. If you just focus on him, you wouldn't be able to notice other boys."

"But, Lucy, the thing is this dream felt so real. The dream is so vivid that I can even remember a conversation I had with one of the people in ancient China." I argued.

"Wait, what? Ancient China? What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't know. The love god said that was the place where my and Landon's last life was located."

"Ok...have you been reviewing what we learned about Chinese history?"

"No. But that's not the point. The point is I think I actually time traveled."

"No, you're just going crazy," Lucy took a bite of her lunch.

"Luuucccyyyy. I'm serious."

"I know. That's why you're crazy. If you're not serious, then I can take that what you just said was just a joke, but if you're serious..."

I opened my mouth again to try to rebuke her, but she cut me off, "Tea, you're just really stressed out. It's ok. Today's Friday. We can go to the mall tomorrow to help you take your mind off of everything, ok?"

   "Fine..." She doesn't believe me, but, really, I probably wouldn't believe Lucy either if she told me what I just told her if it hadn't actually happened to me.

   But what if it really is just a dream. I mean, there are dreams that can be vivid. Maybe Lucy is right. I'm just too stressed out. I should relax my brain a little.

I finished my lunch and talked about other stuff with Lucy. Talking about other stuff actually helps. In no time, I've already forgotten about the time travel thing.

I sit down in my desk in math class, as usual. The math teacher isn't here yet, so I take out my phone and text Lucy, who is in science class. She didn't respond. Science class probably has already started.

I put my phone away and looked up. By chance or something, I looked in Landon's direction. He was talking to his friends, but the second I landed my eyes on him, he turned my direction and looked at me. My eyes froze on him. I thought he was going to look away, but he just stared at me, with a confused expression. Slowly, he smiled and looked amused.

I looked away quickly and took a deep breath. I didn't notice that I wasn't breathing. Or maybe he was just breathtaking? A slow blush spread across my cheeks. That was a late reaction.

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