(54) Rest

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   Night time is falling, and we were still a little ways before the next city. The Great General stopped the procession and commanded us to spend the night in the woods, where we wouldn't be out in the open.

I sat down on the ground, too tired to even manage to stand. The heels of my feet are aching and wished that we are at the edge of this country already, where the military base is. A fire was started, but I was too tired to move. I stared into horizon as the sun was hidden under the hills. Though the sun has left, the sky was still affected by its once glamour.

I slouched my shoulders and cupped my head in my hands. A sigh escaped my lips. I suddenly bolted up and dropped my arms. Not manly.

The thought of Mulan crossed my mind. I wonder how Mulan endured all this? Even though I'm not warrior like her, but I'm still a girl in disguise.

I stiffened as a horrible thought crossed my mind. What if I have to bathe with those men? A whole new kind of worry attacked me. Maybe, maybe I can stay back and not bathe when they were bathing and bathe later when they all left? I'll have to see what to do when we get there.

But whatever the plan is, they're not seeing me without clothes, and I'm not seeing them naked either.

I slouched down again but without my hands cupping my face. Today is day two again. I'll need to feed Landon the pill tomorrow. Will the dove find me now that I'm not in the Great General's house anymore? The other men won't find the dove before me, will they? Or, will they? I hope not.

When am I going to go back to the future, er, present? Old Man says that a day here is an hour there. What time is it there, now? How many days have I been here, rather?

   There was Qixi, the day everything happened. Zichen left to return to his country. Landon was poisoned, and the night of waiting. Three days later, I fed Landon the pill for the first time. That's four days, and then there was yesterday, when Landon was released from his room. Five. Now today. Six. I remember that it was in the middle of the night when Old Man woke me. I can't remember the exact time. But say it's midnight, twelve o'clock. Then it should be six at home.

   I remember texting Lucy that night that I'll be meeting her at noon the next day at the mall entrance, and I told Mom about it too. We had decided to wake earlier the next morning to get ready before we left for the mall. If Mom came wake me at nine, then I'll still have three more days here. Mhm.

   But, the problem is, I don't know the exact time at home. I may have three or four more days here, or I may be going home tonight!

   Ugh, stress! Stress, stress, stress! It could definitely kill people.

   And I wonder if my traveling here has had any effect on the Landon in my era. That's the purpose for traveling here in the first place, right? But I still don't get it. How would gaining his affections here change how he feels about me in the present? It's two different lives, isn't it? But Old Man says it'll work, and I have to believe him, since he was the one who sent me here in the first place.

   The sun has setted, but the warmth still clung to the air, not leaving, not abandoning. There was a call, and my head turned in that direction. It was the Great General. There was something being said, but what I really heard----and really what mattered----was the word "food." Must be dinner.

Author's Note: I know! This part is super short again (even shorter than the last), but I'll have another part up soon. I promise!

Glass: "Do you think we can trust the author's promise?"

Rain: [rolls eyes] "What did you think, little Glass?"

Glass: "Hmm?"

Rain: "Duh we can! We are the author! If you don't believe in yourself, how are the readers going to believe in us?"

Glass: [eyes widen in understanding] "Ohh~ Ok, me, believe in me! I can do it!!" [puffs up cheeks] [rolls up sleeves] "Here I go!!"

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