(20) Breakfast

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   My foresight about not being able to step out of this house again before Landon comes to pick me up was right. The butler was standing at the back door waiting for us when we arrived home that day.

That must be a very observant butler. We were gone for, like what, twenty, thirty minutes? It wasn't very long, yet he found out anyway amongst doing his other works.

For the rest of the fourth day and fifth and sixth day, I wasn't allowed, or able, to get even three yards of any door that lead out of the house.

On the morning of the seventh day, I woke again to Xiao Lan calling me up. It felt too early to wake up. It felt like seven o'clock. Too early.

   Yet Xiao Lan said she was late waking me up today. Landon's coming today so everyone is preparing for his arrival. Xiao Lan said she was helping another group of maids dusting the main hall, so she forgot to wake me up this morning. From the way she looks, she must have been up for a long time before she ever came to wake me up.

   I need to find a time to help with her work. I promised her that I would help if she took me out. She got extra work for punishment because she let me out the house. I feel bad, and on top of that, there's a promise. I don't want to break my promise.

   I followed her to the main hall and tried to help with the dusting and cleaning, but Xiao Lan wouldn't let me do it. She said it was the maid's job. I reminded her about my promise, but she only frowned and told me to forget about the promise.

   "Miss, the best way to fulfill the promise is to leave the work to me. It would be great if you could go feed the carps in the pond."

   I know she won't let me dust, so I left the main hall.

   She said I couldn't help her dust, but she never said I couldn't help her do her other works. It's almost breakfast. Xiao Lan has to help set the food every morning for me. Even if Xiao Lan calls me "Miss," but that doesn't mean I'm really a delicate little mistress. Chores like that I can still do.

   I went into the kitchen and saw the cook preparing many plates. Some of those must be for the maids and servants. I'm not sure how to address the cook, so I thought, since the butler is just called "Butler," then the cook must also be just called "Cook."

   So I politely asked, "Cook, I'm here to take Miss Tang's breakfast. Can you show me which plate is hers?"

   "Who are you? Where's the usual maid that comes to pick up Miss Tang's breakfast?" The cook looked me up and down.

   "Um...she's busy dusting the main hall, and Miss Tang is hungry. Miss Tang told me to get her breakfast." It's weird to refer to myself as "Miss Tang." I didn't let her know that I am "Miss Tang" because I'm worried that if the butler found out, he's going to be mad again. I don't know why he is going to be mad. I just have a feeling.

   The cook still looked skeptical but couldn't really prove that I'm wrong, so she handed me a tray with a covered bowl and two small plates. "Be careful holding it. Don't spill the food." I reached out my hands and took the tray. The cook let go, and the tray sank before I caught myself again. Let me just say, the tray of food definitely was a lot heavier than it looked. Never judge a tray by the number of plates on it.

   I managed to carry the tray all the way back to my room. Although I was tempted to just go in one of the guest rooms and eat in there. My hand was getting sore from trying to keep the tray upright so the sauce from the plates wouldn't spill.

   I sat down and was about to start eating when I see everyone rush to the main doors.

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