(43) Peace Treaty Ended

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What blessings? He blessed me and Landon? When? When did that happened? How come I don't remember?

Zichen just walked out the door when there was a big rush outside my court's front doors. The last time that happened, I was at Landon's house and Landon came to pick me up. This time, could it be that the Great General cane home? I thought he was already home?

   Anyway, whatever it is, it must be important. Zichen quickened his pace confidently, as Landon and I followed behind. We went with the direction everyone else was running towards and quickly arrived at the court in front of the main gates of the House of the Great General.

   With the General as the lead, his family members beside him, and the servants and maids behind them, they were kneeling in front of a man dressed in blue with a small group of similarly dressed men behind him. When the leading blue-dressed man saw Zichen, he, in a loud voice, announced, "Zhao Zichen, receive the emperor's orders!"

   Zichen walked in front of the Great General and kneeled down. Landon kneeled by his father, and, well, I guess I'm suppose to kneel too? So I kneeled beside Landon.

I raised my head to look at the man in blue. He held a golden scroll in his hands with the end of the scroll on either of his palms. "Cha'er..." Landon started whispering to me. I was about to turn to him when the man in blue shouted, "Impudent!"

I turned to the man, wide-eyed. Am I already in trouble the first minute I see someone even more important than the Great General? Well, that sucks.

"Bold girl, why isn't your head lowered when you see the emperor's order? Is it that you want to disobey the emperor's order?!" The man shouted.

Goodness, ok, I'll just lower my head. Raising my head doesn't mean I'm going to disobey the emperor's orders. Don't take it so personally.

When I lowered my head, the head man started with some lyrical, poetic stuff that I understood nothing from. Then he started talking normally again, "Three years ago's today, the country of Zhao sent his prince here for a three year peace treaty. Today, is the end of this peace treaty. The prince of Zhao now may return to his country. Zhao Zichen, receive the emperor's orders."

   Zichen, with his head still lowered, reached out both of his arms over his head, his hands curved, ready to receive the golden scroll. The leading blue dressed man looked down on Zichen without moving his head and lowered the scroll into Zichen's prepared hands.

   "My thanks to the emperor," Zichen answered as his hands closed tightly around the edge of the scroll.

   The blue guy swished his pompom-like stick thing over his arm and turned around, announcing to the group of other blue robed men to go back to the palace.

   "Zichen," Landon called.

   Zichen stopped his footsteps, but his back was still facing us. "What is it, Lan Deng?"

   "...Are you really leaving?" Landon asked.

   Ok, Landon isn't mad at Zichen anymore.

   As if the wind sensed the "sadness" in the air, a low rattle sounded from the trees as the breeze teased and tickled the the leaves on the branches, as if they were lightening the mood, but this same breeze is the one that turns on the leaves and tear them from the branches in autumn, are they not?

   "Yes, of course. My father will be waiting for me," Zichen replied emotionlessly.

   "Will you be able to come back to attend me and Cha'er's wedding?" Landon asked.

   Zichen chuckled, "I don't know if I can come back to attend your wedding, but I do know that we will see again, very soon. That is, farewell, before we see again. I want you to be in your best conditions when we meet again."

   Landon was silent and put on a thinking face. At least, that's what he looked like he was doing.

   Zichen's long, hanging sleeves billowed with the direction of the wind, and a few of his silky long strands of black hair floated individually for a moment before quietly settling down on his back again. When his hair returned to their place on his back, he left.

   I looked at Landon to see that his head was slightly lowered, and his brows were slightly tightened. The sun's light reflected the side of Landon's face, making his dark, black hair brown. His eyes look a little narrowed, making his long eyelashes curve a little.

  The crowd separated, and the Great General took one look at Landon and left too. The Great Mistress followed her husband. Landon was still standing there. I was the only one left with him.

   Since I have no idea how to comfort people, I just stood there and hoped that my presence can comfort him.

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