(51) Sneak Out

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   I creaked one side of the door an inch open and squished my face on the door to see outside. A cold shiver squeezed itself through the crack and licked my nose. I scanned the court with an alerted eye. Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing's bedroom is to the right hand side of my court, and the inch that I edged open is just enough for me to see that their doors are still closed.

   Ok, so they're either still sleeping or they're up already and just closed the door behind them. My heart feels so tensed up in my chest. I'm scared that if I just go out now, they'll suddenly walk out from their room or somewhere, but the other half of me argues that if I don't go now, I'll have lost my chance if they didn't come out.  I forced the half of me that doubted to the back of my brain and locked it in a safe. Although it must have the skill of a magnificent hacker, because it's leaking out again...

   I clenched my jaws and quietly opened the door before it could escape any further. There was a soft creak that sent a shiver through me. I gave my door a death stare before I slipped through the doors and closed it back. With a last survey of the court, I ducked my head down and walked as quickly and as quietly as possible through the court. I already feel like I'm on a battlefield right now. The enemy is hiding behind bushes and waiting for me, and here I am, walking right out in the open. A perfect target.

   I squeezed my own hands and quickened my pace, if that was possible without breaking out into a run. If I started running, it would seem odd. Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing would have no reason to run, and I'm trying to match them.

   My feet felt like it was gliding over the ground, flying to the court doors. Oh, how much I hate the fact that my room is across from the court doors. The farthest room from the court doors.

   When I'm within arm distance with the court doors, I thought I heard footsteps. I abruptly stopped my legs. I nervously looked behind me.

   It was empty.

   I willed myself to breathe again. With a last look, I turned around to the doors and opened them to slip out.

   I guess it was still early, the sun has only half-opened its eyes, and the sky still had its secret color dominating the world. As long as I kept my head facing the ground, my trip out the house was relatively easy, as every other maid were minding their own business, getting things ready for the day.

I slipped pass the kitchen and was silently absorbed by the darkness casted by trees near the wall. The wall of the kitchen was close to the wall of the outter perimeter of the manor, making the space left in between narrow. I remember that Landon's back door was located near the kitchen, so I inferred that the Great General did the same thing. If he didn't, my whole plan will crumble. Landon will die after tomorrow without the life extending pill, the history will follow its original course if Landon died, I will never gain Landon in my time's affections, and...

   I shook my head. This isn't healthy for my brain, thinking all this negative stuff. With my heart at my throat, I searched around the area, looking for some kind of door locked in the shadows. This area of the manor is infested with bushes and skinny trees that are overgrown, and the damp smell of nature in the air. It seems as if no one has come by here a long time...

   Did I somehow take a wrong turn? Where is this place? Is this really by the kitchen? I was starting to scold myself when I squeezed myself between the two walls and the miniature forest. The scene before me lightened. This is...

   The back of the kitchen...


   For some reason, I felt that I was being stupid again. I could've just gone through the kitchen, without having to get myself all dusty, and get poked by branches. Or maybe this was more low profiled. Yeah, I'm not stupid. I made a right choice by attracting as less attention as possible. I comforted myself and kept my head low as I walked towards the back door.

   Luckily nobody was in here, yet. I quickly scampered to the door. Freedom finally at sight. I unlocked the door and looked left and right before I stepped out. I closed the door quietly behind me, and a hand came across the mouth as I was dragged away to the looming shadows to the side of the alleyway...

Author's Note: Hi, readers. How are you liking the cliff hanger? (^ー^)ノ

Oh, there's something else I want to mention too. I've noticed that when I post a new part, there's always two readers who will read my story far before others. Even though I don't know who you are, but I really thank you two very much for reading and liking my story. I don't know if it's the same two people reading it or someone different each time, but I really appreciate the support. (I mean, it always shows two reads, so I'm pretty sure it's the consistent two people, but you never know...)

I also am very thankful for everyone reading and supporting my story, especially since I'm just a beginner at writing. I know there'll be a handful who wouldn't read thank you notes from authors (count me too...), but every author who would spend the time writing this really feels the appreciation. Thank you all for reading and voting (and did I mention that every vote takes me to the stars? There's, like, yellow stars swirling around my head and dancing in front of my eyes. Wait, I'm not hyperventilating, am I?), and even if you didn't vote, I'm still very very thankful for you reading. I know I'm getting boring now, so thank you all little rain droplets for supporting my story, and Glass_Rain loves you.❤️

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