(64) Dream Talk

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   What? Oh gosh, stop calling me, I'm trying to spend time here with Landon. Don't you see? We're staring at the stars and the sun. Mmm, this tree trunk is pretty comfy, and this sea breeze, so refreshing. Look,  I can reach out my hands and smooth the waters with a gentle touch. The water is just the right temperature.

   Look at Landon, now, his eyes are blue, just like this water, sparkling with innocence. His hair, sleek black, and, now, his eyes has turned honey brown. What? They've changed colors.

   "What are you staring at me for, Cha'er?" Landon's smooth voice drifted with the breeze into my ears.

   "Nothing. You are just too captivating to look away from," I sighed.

   Landon chuckled and tapped me gently on the forehead. I pursed my lips in a whimsical way. I held out my hands and looped it around Landon's neck. "I don't want a tap on my forehead."

   Landon looked at me like a spoiled child, except, he's the one spoiling me. "So what do you want?"

   "I want..." I pursed my lips even more and leaned forward. Everything seemed slow motion, and just when I thought I was going to touch something, someone smacked my head.

   I opened my eyes, and the ocean and Landon disappeared. All I see is a vast white and vaporous, cloud-like things drifting around me and an old dude with white hair down to his waist wearing an eye-piercing red robe. "Old Man?" Even though the last time I saw him was, like, way too long ago, his, er, eccentric looks are burnt in my mind.

"What'd you do that for? Where's Landon?" I complained.

Old Man looked at me, a bit annoyed, "The first time I've seen you in six days, and the first thing you ask me is 'where's Landon?'. I would appreciate some 'How have you been, Yue Lao?'."

   I coughed, "Well, I was about to—"

   "And don't even mention what you were about to do. Do you have no shame doing that in front of me?"

   If you can blush in dreams, then I was blushing like the butt of a monkey. "Ok, never mind. I wasn't going to do anything."

   "Why are you in my dream in the first place?" I regained some sense and asked the important question.

   "To check on you," Old Man replied briefly.

   I sat down on the ground. "You can sit too, Old Man." I can feel we're going to have a chat.

   Old Man raised his eyebrows at me and waved his sleeves at the ground. A cushion appeared, and he sat on it.

   I raised my eyebrows at him and stood up. I backed away from where I was sitting and waved my hand also.

   Nothing happened.

   "What?! How come you can just make a cushion appear out of nowhere, but I can't? This is suppose to be my dream!"

   Old Man cracked up at my reaction, "Tea, dear, I have spells that can metamorphose air into cushions. Do you?"

   I thought about that for a second, "I should in my dream."

   "Here," Old Man waved his hand at my empty seat, and another cushion appeared. I stepped forward and sat down.

   "Ok, so, what do you want to talk about?" I sat crossed-legged and put my arm on either leg.

   "How have you been doing with your 'love mission'?" Old Man asked.

   "Good. Mostly. There was this guy a few days ago that I displeased, I almost couldn't give Landon the pill, and some issues back in modern day, but, otherwise, it has been pretty calm." I summed up.

   "Sounds...interesting. You were able to manage it well, though?

I shrugged with one shoulder, "I guess? I mean, I think I managed to cope?"

"Alright. You can call me when you need to, you know. I just can't use my powers to change anything in the mortal world. I, I get punished when I do that. I can give suggestions, and that was what I was suppose to do in the first place," Old Man explained.

I nodded my head.

"Do you need any help right now?" Old Man continued.

"Erm," I stopped, thinking. "Well, the problems and whatnot was a few days ago. These past two days has been pretty much ok. We're arriving at the military camp tomorrow. Maybe something will come up tomorrow? I don't know, but if I need any advice really badly, I'll ask you."

We just sat there for a second, silent, and suddenly I started laughed. Old Man looked at me in a way that he must think I'm crazy. I waved my hand, "Nothing. I was just thinking how you were annoyed a few days ago about how often I had to ask you for help, and, now, you're here wanting to help me again. I don't know. I just thought it was kind of funny."

Old Man didn't laugh; he just kept staring at me like I was a crazed maniac. "The sun is rising. You should wake up now." Old Man stood up and gave me a look, "If you really help, ask for it. After all, this is your second chance and you can't bear to mess this one up too. I wouldn't even be able to help you if you mess this chance up, so, instead of regretting, I want you to do this right."

He was so worried that it was almost as if he were the one having the love problem. I can only say, he takes his job very seriously. I nodded my head solemnly in response to his seriousness. "I will," I said, even though I didn't even know if I can do it. At least I mean it? I'm just not sure if it'll come true.

"A fair warning: be careful of your actions. Take extra attention now that you are about to arrive at the military base, and, lastly, listen to your heart's desire, not your brain's plans." Old Man backed away, and the fog became heavier and heavier until it has covered my vision. My hand twitches and my mind is pulled forward into reality.

Author's Note: Hey.....

Please don't yell at me!! [ducking for my life]


It's been so long again... I'm really sorry! Good news? I'm on break again, so I can write the next chapter this week and post it this weekend on time(maybe).

Tea: [to Landon]: [sweet-talking] "Should we fire this author? She is so lazy in writing our story. Maybe we can look for a different author, and they can be more timely on the updates. This dragging of the story leaves us with so little scenes to show off. Oops, that's not what I said. I said 'perform'."

Landon: "Your wish is my pleasure to fulfill."

Glass_Rain: [ahem] "Who else knows your story better than me? And you're plotting on getting rid of me? In front of my face?!?! I can't believe this! I'm so heartbroken!" [💔]

Tea: [innocent]"I'm sorry, too, Glass_Rain, but I listen to Landon. He agreed."

Glass_Rain: "..." "That's because you told him to agree..." [stubborn] "But, anyway, it's up to the readers whether to fire me or not. Hmph."

Oh, yeah, right, I forgot to say something. I changed the story name, if you haven't noticed already. I thought it's a bit more different, and, well, when it's looked up, 50 more stories of the same name won't appear. At least I hope so, and I also hope you still like it??? Thank you all again for your continued support!! And putting up with my late updates!!!!

(I'm so sorry!)

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