(35) Contract

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   "What?! Zichen, you..." I was cut off by his laugh.

   "Cha'er, unexpected? As I thought. Poor Lan Deng, haven't figured out that his best friend has betrayed him, and his bride is about to do the same."

   "Zichen, if you still take Landon as your friend, give the cure for the poison." I know is sounded pathetic, but I feel pathetic right now. Here I am, trying to change our fate, yet I still get Landon killed. Again. And in a very painful way too.

   "Of course not. How stupid do you think I am? Now that you have all things considered, we can talk about making a deal."

   "What do you mean?" I frowned.

   "What I mean is, even though my poison is deadly, I do have these pills that can extend Lan Deng's life a little. Precisely, by three days. Notice that I said 'pills,' which means I can give you a pill every three days if you comply with my plan."

   I frowned even more, if that was possible. So, I'm being manipulated right now? I can either save Landon by betraying him, or I can watch him die.

   I internally sighed. Ok, Old Man, what am I suppose to do now?

   Since I've already set your life on the right track, I can't do anymore now. It's up to you now how you chose your fate or, how fate chooses.

   I jumped at the voice of Old Man since I didn't expect him to respond.

   I can give you some information, but I can't help you decide between choices.

   Ok, then, can you tell me if Landon really got poisoned?


   I groaned. Ugh, I had kind of hoped that he just made all that up to make me obey him.

   "So, Cha'er, what is your choice?" Zichen's haunted voice snapped me out of my conversation with Old Man.

   "Let me think for a few minutes," I said, a little annoyed.

   Zichen narrowed his eyes, "I am offering you a chance to keep Landon alive, yet, you're hesitant. I do not need to be generous like this."

   I internally thought, "Well, you need me as a spy. So, you kind of do need me to comply."

   "If you're thinking that I need you to spy for me, then you're wrong. I have other spies I can use. I do agree that you're a good chess piece, but you're not the only good chess piece."

   "Fine, I'll do what you want me to, but you better have not lied about the pill thing." I was left without choice. Either this, or Landon will die in three days.

   So, after all, history repeated itself. Old Man, is there still a way out of this mess?

   Don't worry. No need to get out, you're going along just fine. This isn't the end yet. The final turn in destiny isn't located here.

   Ok, Old Man. I'm going to trust you.

   "And you better be smarter than going to Lan Deng and telling him about the poison. If you do that, our contract is broken, and you won't receive anymore pills," Zichen said.

   "I know," I sighed. I half expected it anyway. I'm not as stupid as that yet. "So when do I receive the pill?"

   "In three days," Zichen said calmly.

   "In three days?! I thought you said the pill could kill Landon in six hours." What did Zichen mean in three days?! Landon would be a pool of blood way before I get a chance to feed him the life-extending pill.

   "Don't worry. I fed him the pill along with the poison," Zichen took out a fan from inside his sleeves and started fanning himself. He had a fan in there all along? Wait, that's not the point.

   "Why did you feed him the pill with the poison?" I, again, am confused.

   "What, you don't want me to feed him the pill?"

   "I mean, I do, but why did you do it. I thought you hated Landon."

   "I have my own reasons." Zichen replied coolly. "Now, for your first mission. When the war is waged on the Yan country, I want you to get into the Yan military base."

   I rolled my eyes. Doesn't that plan sound familiar. Yep, just as Old Man had predicted.

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