(67) Rain

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   The bird flew in a circular motion around me until it landed back on a branch in the trees. It's beady black eyes were staring straight at me.

   And I realized that I wasn't wearing anything, and I don't know why, but I started getting nervous and grabbed my clothes. It's just a bird, I told myself. It's not like it's a person or anything. I feel weird scrambling for my clothes, but I do not regret it.

   Much more comfortable. I sighed as I tied the outer robe in place.

   Ok, it's time now to think about the bird. I had already received the pill for Landon last night and fed it to Landon this morning. What is this bird doing here? A normal bird would not have attacked me like that; only Zichen's birds do that. I reached my hand out, palm up, like I usually do when the bird comes, and it will drop the small package of a pill into my palm. Except, this time, it was not a package with a pill. It seems like a curled up piece of paper.

   As soon as the bird dropped the note off to me, it fluttered away. I was going  to call it back and ask it what this was for when I realized that I had just thought that. What kind of bird can explain to me in human language what this is? I think this whole sneaking business is getting to my head. I looked at the paper in my hand and slowly grabbed it with my other hand and started unrolling it. So, is this suppose to be a message or something from the prince of Zhao?

   Hm, I bet it wouldn't say anything nice like, hello, how's your day so far? Or something like, have a good day; try to survive while I play you to death and have you on edge of worrying when/ if you'll receive the life extending pill.

   Actually, that last one sounds 50% possible.

   I straighten the piece of paper and read the note. The words were written relatively small to fit two lines onto the tiny piece of paper.

   It read, "Send back the Yan military strategy for the next battle within ten days to continue to receive the life extending pill." 

   I just want to say right now, I was right about worrying whether Zichen will continue to send me the life extending pill. I'm not sure if I should be happy that I've become so smart or sad that he actually did threaten me. The Yan military strategy? What is that suppose to be? And how am I suppose to steal it? Is it a piece of paper? Or do I have to "know" it from someone?

   If I have to obtain the information from someone, then, will it be...Landon? 

   I closed my fist and crumpled the paper in the process. Even though I knew that Zichen wanted me along to spy for him, but I didn't know it would be so soon.

   I tore the slip of paper into pieces and scattered it into the river. I better return now; if someone wakes up and find me missing, I would be so dead. Ten days...

   If I didn't obey him, I would kill Landon, and everything would be over. The right thing to do is steal the plan, right? But, why do I have a sickening feeling? That this isn't right?

   I feel like, I'm betraying Landon again. I am using his affections for me to betray him. Again. Why? I'm trying to help him, right? This is helping him. I'm saving him.

   There was a flash of light overhead, and the dark forest around me was lit for a split second. As I jerked my head up, a loud rumble broke the night. A drip of water fell onto my nose, cooling my heart. It's raining. I need to get back to the medical tent.

   The inconvenience of not having a phone with a weather app.

   The sprinkle is starting to scatter quicker and quicker. I am almost sprinting back to the medical tent, but the ground is not flat. There were several times when I barely caught myself before a fall. The rain is also not helping the matter. The sound of the rain mimicks the sound of falling sand, and I am getting myself wet again. The cloth shoes I have are soaked first and, now, my socks are getting wet too. The tent is near. I can make it.

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