(9) Mirror

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I wish there was a mirror so I can see what I look like. Are my face features still mine, even if my hair is black and long, and I'm taller? What do I look like in this red dress?

   I moved the tables back to the window and opened the door. I jumped at the sight of Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing at the doorway. 

   Xiao Lan smiled, "Miss, you look beautiful in the red dress." Xiao Qing nodded in approval.

   "Really? Is there a mirror somewhere?" I asked. I really want to know what I look like.

   Xiao Lan considered for a second, "Well, there's a mirror in Miss Lin's room. I'm sure she'll let us in and have a quick look. She's always nice and understanding."

   "Ok," I said.

   Xiao Lan led down the hall to the left, away from the stairs. She knocked on the door. A girl about the same age as Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing came to the door, "Yes?"

   Xiao Lan explained, "Miss Tang says she wants to look in the mirror, and there was not one in her room. You know, the ordinary rooms don't have a mirror."

   The girl looked at me and snickered, "She doesn't want to die anymore? So she just wants fame after all, thinking she can become a courtesan after tonight's show..."

   "Enough, Xin'er, let Miss Tang come in to take a look," a woman's voice came from within the room.

Her name is Heart? How ironic, she doesn't seem like she has much of a heart.

Xin'er frown and seemed to pout, but she still moved out of our way. I looked into the room and gasped at how beautiful the decorations seem. The room was bigger than mine and a lot more colorful. She must be famous then.

I walked in and saw a girl sitting in front of a mirror, putting on some kind of makeup, I guess.

"You may come take a look," the lady turned towards me. For the second time, I gasped. She was beautiful. I don't know if there's mascara in ancient China, but her eye lashes are so long and thick, it seems like she had mascara on. Her red lips seemed extra red on her porcelain white skin, but the colors didn't even clash. I wonder how she manages that. Her hair is as dark as her lashes and seemed somewhat wavy.

I trudged towards the mirror, a little embarrassed under her beauty. Maybe I'm ugly, and she's laughing secretly at how dumb I am to ask to see the mirror in her room.

I stood in front of the mirror, but the surface wasn't clear. I leaned forward to see clearly. The surface was also yellowish. I finally made myself out in the mirror. I was a little disoriented in the mirror, my face stretched, but pressed together when I move. I can somewhat, kind of, make out what I look like. I still had my face features, but my hair was black and longer. Instead of my light brown eyes, I had dark, black eyes.

   Most of all, I'm taller. I can guess my body's age is around sixteen. Ok, so that's two years older than my actual age.

   I backed up. If I look closely enough, I can still make myself out. It's just, the mirror isn't too clear, but I'm actually pretty satisfied with what I look like. Of course, I'm not stunningly beautiful like Miss Lin, but my looks aren't bad either. On a beauty scale of one to ten, Miss Lin will be ten, and I'm about six point seven-five. So not too bad...maybe...

   Anyway, at least now I know Miss Lin isn't secretly laughing at me.

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