(84) Sorry, no.

84 7 3

Just before fourth period was over, I texted Lucy and told her that I was going to be a bit late for lunch. Yes, I have conformed to the evil oppressions of this world.

No. I am just plainly curious what Landon is going to give me. I'm not afraid that he's going to do anything to me because I'm going to wait for him close to the lunchroom, where there will be more people, so if anything does happen, someone can find an authority quickly.

Okay, everything is settled. Nothing to worry about now. Whatever he is going to give me, I just hope it isn't something I wasted my lunchtime over.

Argh, this jittery feeling. I hate the anticipation. This feeling is just the feeling of anticipation, right? I couldn't possibly have forgiven Landon already, could I? I clenched my teeth as my memory flashed back to Saturday.

It's not like it'll be anything romantic. He already has a girlfriend. Or, he may be bored of her already, and I am now his next victim.

I shook my head. Oh, for goodness' sake, what am I thinking? I am overthinking and am going to make a fool of myself if I continue down this train of thought. It is, for one, disgusting how I'm falling head over heels over Landon when I have just confirmed my feelings for Lan Deng; although, they are the same person, but different. Secondly, he has a girlfriend. I am not becoming the intruder. A scene flickered through my head. That...sounds familiar. I shook my head again; I am not going to think about this anymore. Forget the anticipation. I'm going to find out soon anyway.

The dismissal sounded, and I hurried out the classroom. About halfway to the lunch hallway, I slowed. I can't make myself look like I was looking forward to this meeting. I adjusted my gait and continued along.

I entered the lunch hallway and headed straight down, stopping midway between the restrooms at the very end of the hall and the door leading into the cafeteria. I studied this part of the hallway. It's obvious enough for students to see us, so I'm safe. I found an area of empty wall and put my backpack down, waiting with my back against the wall.

I frowned. Why am I the first one here? I should've been the late one. After all, he was the one who asked me here. I definitely walked too fast.

I peaked a daring eye at the entrance to the hallway, waiting to see if Landon was here yet. He's not.

I tried to maintain a neutral face as I took out my phone and opened a casual game.

The flush of toilets sounded, and my thoughts drifted back to Landon again. Why did he choose the restroom as a meeting place? Distracted, I lost that round in my game.

"Oh, I have that game too."

My head snapped up.

From the direction Landon walked towards me, I could tell that he just came out of the restroom. So, he was here before me after all.

I put my phone in my pocket. "What'd you want to give me?"

He put his backpack on the floor and kneeled with one knee, rumaging through his book bag pocket. I stared at him. His hair was very light and flowed naturally around his ears, teasing his cheeks. I had a sudden urge to dig my hands through his hair and feel their softness.

I need to stop.

I swallowed, and the belated blush attacked. Oh gosh, why now. I want to dig a hole; let me hide in there for the rest of my life, please. At the exact moment, Landon seemed to have found what he was looking for and stood back up. I twisted my gaze away right before he looked at me, pretending that I was not staring at him the entire time. I turned my head back to him, as if just now looked at him. I didn't dare meet his eyes, so I landed my eyes on what he was holding.

To my surprise, he was holding a barrette. A particular one, in fact. It was very similar to the hairpin he offered me back at the mall; which, brought back bad memories altogether. My face slowly sank more and more the longer I looked at the barrette embellished with delicate red petals.

"Red...suits you the best," Landon's voice dragged me back to the present.

I looked up at him, my blush disappearing completely.

"I didn't get the chance to buy you the hairpin on Saturday, and it wasn't there anymore when I went back later. This was the closest thing I found to the hairpin. Do you like it?" Landon's eyes told me sincere emotions, or they may just look sincere under my eye's filtration. Whatever the case may be, it doesn't matter.

"No," I turned my head away. Why is he even doing this? Why did he buy this? He has a girlfriend, and she's not me. "Is that all you wanted to give me? If so, I don't want it. Thank you for the gesture, but I have to go now." I swooped down to grab the straps of my backpack, ready to go eat lunch.

"Wait!" Landon grabbed my arm that was holding the straps of my backpack. I stopped my actions and looked at his hand. He had no means of letting go. "I've bought it already..."

I smiled bitterly. "You have a girlfriend," I reminded him.

"Not anymore," he quickly answered. I looked up at him. "Unless you agree to be," he flashed a crooked smile.

My heart skipped a beat, but not from joy or excitement. I was surprised by his sudden proposal. Is he, asking me to be his girlfriend? How can he do this so casually? We barely know each other, and this is, like, the third time I've talked to him. How can he treat me like this? I'm not a doll that he can propose to so indifferently to replace an old doll he was tired of playing with. I am not going to be on his long list of dated and dumped girls.

"Sorry, no," I stated firmly. "Could you please let go now."

His smile fell, replaced with knitted brows. His hand momentarily loosened, and I struggled free. I shrugged on my backpack and entered the cafeteria without a second glance back.

Author's Note: I have to say, Tea's reply was very handsome. I would love to say that to someone's face.

Count down to the ending of Fate of Mist is starting. I don't think Mist will reach 100 chapters.

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