(10) Makeup

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   Their "Madam" found out I left my room and wasn't too happy about that, so I was stuck in my room for the rest of the afternoon. The room was so bare. There was nothing I can do. So I might as well took a nap and gained the sleep I was supposed to have before that weirdo love god appeared.

   When I woke up, my room was tinted in a warm color that made me want to snuggle back under the covers. The sun was almost setting, and the room was noticeably dim.

   Soon after I woke up, there was a knock on the door. "Miss Tang, are you awake?" It was Xiao Lan's voice.

   "Yeah, you can come in," I said, getting out of bed.

"Madam said it is almost time for the...event. I'm here to dress you up," Xiao Lan came into my room. "But I told Madam that there was not a mirror. I cannot dress you and put any rouge on you without a mirror. So, we have to borrow another room with a mirror. The other girls have their own room with a mirror. Madam must have...Oh never mind. Miss Tang, please follow me to a room down the hall, and we will dress you there."

"Ok," I said.

   The next hour or so was spent "dressing me up," as Xiao Lan called it. It was funny to watch me mess up as Xiao Lan instructed me on how to put on the makeup back in their days. There was this red notecard-like piece of paper, and Xiao Lan told me to bite down on it with my mouth.

   I wondered why she needed to add "with your mouth." Where else can I bite besides my mouth? I did it anyway.

   And Xiao Lan gasped and pulled it out of my mouth. Let me just say, it was not the best tasting red piece of paper.

   "Miss, I said to bite down on it with your mouth not your teeth. You want the red to end up on your lips, not your teeth, Miss," Xiao Lan especially pronounced the words "with your mouth" and "teeth."

"Oh," I said. I uncontrollably grinned. Ok, so, that was why she said "with your mouth." I did what she said, and the red did show on my lips. I guess it was their way of lipstick.

Xiao Lan also put some kind of hair accessories on my hair.

At last, after some more of decorating me, Xiao Lan stepped back. She smiled and nodded in approval.

Just in time, a knock came from the door. "Miss, the Madam wants you downstairs."

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