(56) Canteen

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   I looked up. A man was looking suspiciously at me. That man, he was the man that was talking foully about Landon. I stopped my arms from shuddering. "I was just relieving myself," I said as calmly as I could.

   "What took you so long?" He asked again, doubt exposed in his voice.

   I tried to stare him down. "Well, sometimes it takes longer," I stated matter-of-factly. With my look and tone, I can almost believe myself that I was telling the truth.

   "What?" I continued, grasping my courage as long as possible. "Do you want me to show you where I relieved myself?"

   The man frowned, a hint of distaste and surprise in his expression. I guess he didn't think I would say that. He gave a "hmph" and stopped paying attention to me. I turn away too and lie down, turning my back on him, the place where I hid the pill, away from him. I put one arm in front of my chest and slowly close my eyes.

   The next day, at the crack of dawn, people start waking up, me along with them. The Great General must've been the first to wake to lead the others to wake too. I patted my chest and felt the small lump, though not noticeable. I assured myself that everything is going to work out, starting the day with a positive attitude.

I looked around, checking what other people are doing, so I can follow. They're packing the light blankets and putting it on a cart that's pulled by two soldiers alternately, where we had retrieved the blankets last night. Of course, packing up. Next must be breakfast, then. We will be handed our share of bread from another cart and fill our canteens with water. If that's so, then I must pack quickly and get to Landon before breakfast.

   To make sure that it won't be too obvious when I ask to refill Landon's water bottle, I'm going to stick by him the whole day, making it seem that we have some kind of relationship, so it wouldn't seem like I was up to something, asking to refill his bottle out of the random. I hope it'll work, and Landon won't die.

   I've noticed that I've been thinking about life and death a lot lately. I already feel so much older than fourteen. So much older than myself two weeks ago.

I carefully stride towards Landon, half of my brain conscious of the people who may be looking at me, the other half pushing the first half's feeling away.

Landon is packing up, like everyone else, and on my walk over to him, I stole a few glances at him. I want to sigh, how come he looks better in the morning sun? His hair is dripping over his shoulders as he is rolling up his blanket. I think he looks even better from a side view.

Landon suddenly looked up, as if feeling my hungry gaze at him. Out of habit, I whipped my head away and noticed that I shouldn't. I meant to look at him and go over to him. I awkwardly twisted my head back and with the last few drops of courage, I walked to his side.

It was silent between us for a few embarrassing seconds before I decided that this silence must be broken. I opened my mouth, but Landon beat me to starting the conversation. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Good," I replied, though being shocked by a bird isn't my preferred "good."

He nodded his head and smiled, as if my good night's sleep made his sleep good too.

"Umm," I started, but was cut off again by him.

"Weren't you the fellow who defended me yesterday when another medical team member attacked me verbally?"

   I tilted my head. Why does he sound like I just knew him yesterday? My confusion must have been written all over my face, but Landon's smile and expression was unwavering. Why does he make it look like I didn't know him before...

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