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"i'll be careful, I promise"

IT was a drastic decision but you didn't regret it, at least not yet.

College hadn't worked out for you the way you had planned or hoped it would. Your mom wasn't 100% on board with you moving to London.

"Really? London? You don't know anything or anyone there!" Your mom yelled across the small kitchen table that separated you both.

"What is it with you (y:n). You should be making better choices than the ones you've made this past year. You're almost 21 and so far you've managed to drop out of college and come up with the crazy idea of moving to London! It's childish and I just don't see why any of this makes sense to you!" Your mom kept scolding.

You were 20 and yes, you had dropped out of college. But you had always wanted to go to London. You were tired of living a sheepish life. You craved adventure and you knew London would be perfect. But how in the world were you supposed to tell your mom that you dropped out of college because you craved adventure?

"Mom, it's not childish." You held back from raising your voice.

"Not childish? (y:n) are you hearing yourself?" Your mom cut you off.

You were trying hard not to run out of patience. "No, it's not. If you would actually listen to what I have to say instead of yelling you'd know it's not a childish decision that I'm making." You sighed.

"Well then go ahead, what is it that I have to hear?" Your mom finished saying as her index finger continued to tap on the kitchen table.

"I'm tired of living here mama. There is so much more to life and I won't experience it if I stay here forever. I've done my research and there are many jobs in London looking for interpreters. I know dad didn't teach me French for me not to use it and you didn't teach me Spanish for me not to use either mama. I know three languages and I only use one here." You weren't sure if that was convincing but it sounded a lot better than "I'm going because I'm craving adventure."

"Is that all?" Your mom simply said to your surprise.

Ever since dad had passed away mom had been more reserved and annoyingly more strict. But she knew that you had a point. She knew that dad was right.

"(y:n), I just don't feel like it's a realistic plan. It's not a long term plan (y:n)." Your mom sighed.

"I'll be looking for other jobs while I wait for my application to be viewed. It won't be a problem. I'll get to know people along the way. I don't need your approval. I made my decision, I just, I guess I just wanted your blessing." You looked down at your bare feet.

"What if something happens to you? My daughter is going to be an ocean away. How am I supposed to get to you if something bad were to happen?" Your moms eyes filled with worry.

"Mom, you said it yourself. I'm almost 21. I think I'll be fine on my own. Nothing bad is going to happen if I'm careful mama." You looked into her eyes.

"Okay. Fine. I supposed you're set on this. I just hope you don't regret it." Your mom said quietly.

"I won't, like you said, I'm set on this. More than I have ever been." You hoped you didn't sound like an overjoyed four year old.

"Do you need help with anything? Packing? Money?" Your mom let her left arm fall next to her waist.

"No mama I have everything I need, thank you." You crossed your arms under your chest.

"Okay." Your mom whispered as she began to walk towards you.

"I love you mama. I'll be careful, I promise." You said as you embraced her.

"Love you too (y:n)." She gave you a tight squeeze.

And before you knew it, you were on a plane to London. This was actually happening and you couldn't believe it

"A new start. A new life..." You sighed as you closed your eyes.

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