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"proud of you"

THAT night, as I laid in bed, I thought of dad; I thought of Grace. And as easily as the thought of them crossed my mind, salty tears began to travel down my cheeks. I remember the cold nights that came after dad had passed away. I remember the sound of my dad's voice fading into past memories. I couldn't go near that again, and I knew Lucas couldn't either. It's a devastating thing; when the people you love dearly, hold closest to your chest leave life behind everything becomes bland for a while.

"You have to look at the bigger picture, and when you do you'll see that Dad is still there." Recalling the words mom had said to me, I  reached over, taking ahold of my phone. 

(y:n) // 1:07 am
Always look at the bigger picture. That's what my mom would say. And that's exactly what you did. You have an amazing heart Lucas. Grace would be proud.

Lucas // 1:11 am
your dad is proud of you.

I closed my eyes as the last tear left its trail behind.

Sunday morning brought colder winds and cloudy skies into town which meant I'd be staying inside today. Not that I minded. I was exhausted from the events from the previous week. So in result I planned a day for myself. That is, until a knock came through the wooden door of my flat. My initial thought was that Lucas came for a morning visit, but when I my eyes met Thomas' brown orbs my stomach churned.

His smile was apologetic but his frown seemed permanent upon his forehead.

"May I come in?"

I moved to my right, slightly unblocking the entrance for Thomas. Good morning to you too.

"I was going to call but I decided against it since there's a lot I need to apologize for." Thomas began, confusing me with every word.

"What?" I blurted out, covering myself with the tanned cardigan I had left on the couch.

"I've been an arse to you and I don't have a valid excuse for that, is all." His hands fumbled inside his coat pockets.

"Mmm" I nodded my head, wondering if Ava sent him over.

"Did, did Ava put you up to this or?"

"No. Well, she suggested I apologize and like I said, I was just going to give you a call but I thought that wouldn't be proper."

Proper. Mhm.

"I didn't mean to upset you. And I also didn't meant to come across as offended because quite frankly you haven't done anything to offend me. You're very kind hearted and I can't believe I made you feel like shit." He rambled on, standing awkwardly in the small living space that my flat offered.

"I feel okay. I mean, I may look like shit or may have looked like shit but im okay and you're alright so apology accepted." I smiled, hopefully convincing him with the gesture if the words had not done the job.

"And now you're kicking me out." He chuckled. Slipping a hand out of his pocket as he scratched the back of his head.

"What? No, no. I-" I sighed, running out of energy to even speak at another human being. "I want you to know that you don't have to apologize for snapping. It happens to everyone all the time. My feelings weren't hurt in the process I promise. I was just taken back by your shitty attitude." I smirked, looking up at Thomas, his tongue gliding inside his bottom lip as his brows shot up.

"Shitty attitude, okay I can take that." I chuckled as Thomas shook his head ever so slightly.

"I'm about to make some hot cocoa, would you like some?" I asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Love some" Thomas said, removing his coat and setting it down where my cardigan had been.

"Mason and Juli, how are they?" I leaned on the counter, reaching for the cupboard.

Thomas huffed out a chuckle "they're great." He responded, his arm reaching above me as he pulled down two coffee mugs. The warmth of his body alerting me.

"Thank you." I blushed, not expecting the help.


"How's Ava?" I proceeded to ask.

"She's got a busy week ahead of her. So she's been a wee stressed out."

"I can imagine. Milk or water for your cocoa?"

"Whatever you take."

"Milk it is." Thomas sat silently as I finished making the hot cocoa.

"How's your mum?" Thomas asked, breaking the silence.

"She's been well. Apparently someone gifted her a kitten a few days back. So she's been having company." I chuckled, knowing my dad would never have tolerated a kitten.

"She beat you to it huh?" The smirk across Thomas' lips was insulting, which gained a scoff from me. Before I could respond, another knock echoed into the kitchen.

"Expecting someone else?" Thomas implied as I made away around the door once again.

"Actually, I wasn't expecting anyone today if I'm being honest."

As I swung the door open for the second time, my stomach fluttered.

"Hi Lucas."

Hahaha I'm so evil. Cliffhanger. & a late month update. Yikes, I'm awful. I still love you all very much.

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