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"are you purposely doing that?"  

CALM, I felt oddly calm around Thomas. The moment his skin cooled the palm of my hand, I felt myself relax. The moment I heard his voice, I was taken back. He wore a navy blue suit. I caught a glimpse of the brown belt that went around his waist, so nicely.

"Thomas." He had said, his round brown prominent eyes looking into mine. butterflies I didn't know I had fluttered inside my stomach. Throughout dinner, Thomas kept his eyes busy. He looked at the center piece, at his glass of water, at Mason who sat between us, at Juli, at Ava. Thomas looked everywhere but me. I saw the way he smirked a few times. The way his eyes would squint every time he smiled. The way his face lines would appear with every expression.

Thomas was charming, without trying. I saw him push his hair back with his right hand. I had to fight the urge of reaching over. As he would let a few strands of hair fall back onto his brows.

"Uncle tommy can I try some of that?" Mason pointed at a mushroom that laid in his plate.

"Of course snug bug."

Snug bug. I smiled. He called buggie snug bug. It was cute.

I heard him call Juli "Juls." several times too. He called Ava "Avs." These people were precious to him, it was clear as day. I leaned back, my shoulders touching the smooth leather. I smiled at the image of Thomas feeding Mason, at Ava leaning her forehead on Juli's head and then kissing her cheek. Ava's world was beautiful and I was falling in love with it, with the world I was being welcomed to. I loved them, and I knew Thomas would soon be loved by me too. I bit my lip at the thought. I saw him bounce his leg, again.

I noticed that every time I bit my lip he'd bounce his knee. I blushed. He was looking at me through the corner of his eye. I licked my lips and chuckled silently. even if you loved him, he wouldn't be the one to love you back, I thought.

"What's funny?" Ava asked, with that sneaky smirk of hers. I bit my lip. Thomas bounced his knee. I looked down at my hands, I couldn't contain it anymore. I let myself laugh.

Thoma's POV 

She laughed. She was laughing. It was that type of laugh that carried you with it. I knew why she was laughing. I knew she noticed my knee bounce every time she'd bite her lip. I couldn't help smiling as I looked over at her, my cheeks blushed.

"Are you purposely doing that?" I asked, letting out a titter. She covered her smile with the back of her hand. Her eyes slightly squinted.

"No." She shook her head, still giggling. "At least not until it became funny."

You shouldn't have done that, I thought as I slid my tongue on the inside of my bottom lip, smirking as I looked down, shaking my head.

She was teasing me.

(Y:N)'s POV

I laughed at his reaction. I didn't mean to experiment on him to prove what I thought was happening but he had caught on — and his titter, his nervous laugh he softly tried to contain didn't seize my laughing. I looked up to see Ava. Her eyebrows were raised and her mouth was open. I laughed some more, and before I knew it the five of us were laughing all together.

"I hope you guys are laughing with me and not at me." I said as I inhaled deeply and breathed out, attempting to stop my laughing.

"Oh darling." Ava said wiping away a tear with the back of her hand.

We all turned to look at Mason who had let out a profound yawn as he rubbed his eye with his little fist. I saw Thomas pull up his arm and wiggle his wrist to check the time on his watch. It was such a simple movement but it did much more to me.

"9:19" Thomas said as he cleared his throat.

"Okay kiddies, back home we go." Ava said as she began to gather her stuff.

I slipped my coat on and grabbed my purse. Ava and I walked behind Thomas who carried Mason with his right arm, and held Juli's hand with his left. I felt Ava slip her arm under mine, pulling me in and laying her head on my shoulder.

This image, this feeling, I would never forget. The five of us, complementing each other's presence. Contemplating the world that contained a mother and her two children, a loving uncle, and the girl who had finally found adventure, next to them.


Newtmas1991 & feelings_a

You two are my adventure, I love you.

— d.o.a

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