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"at least I fed you"

JULI and Mason were sitting at the table when I walked back into the kitchen. Mason had cards out and Juli had her school bag next to her.

"You two are ready to go aren't ya." I said with a smile.

I heard both of them giggle as I took a seat between them. Staring my tutoring with Juli.

"Okay, so what do we have here." I asked.

"Today I just have French homework and a few pages from a book to read." Juli said as she got out a sheet and a book.

"What's for French?" I winked making Juli giggle. 

"Do you mean lunch?" Mason asked, confused.

I giggled. "would you like some lunch Mason?"

Mason closed an eye, raising an eyebrow in thought. "But.. I already had lunch..." Mason said his voice hinted with confusion.

"You're silly." Juli said as she looked up at me before starting her French assignment. I couldn't help but smile.

"Ms. (y:n)?" I heard Mason's soft voice.

"Yes buggie?" I looked up, gazing at the soft brown eyes that belonged to the little boy in front of me. Mason giggled, looking down at his shirt which had bugs drawn in. "What did you have for lunch?" He asked curiously.

"Hm, a scrumptious apple and granola." 

"Ohh." Mason whispered, nodding along. 

"Pomme." I replied. Mason looked at me, his brows scrunched together in a frown. 

"That is apple in French. Want to give it a go?" I said with a smile.

"I can try..." He looked at me, with uncertainty.

"" He scrunched his little face.

"That was perfect Mason!"

"Good job baby brother!" I heard Juli say excitedly. 

"Okay want to try saying granola now?"

"Yea!" Mason shouted, his smile big. 

"Granula." I said slowly. 

"Granula." Mason replied eagerly.

"It sounds the same doesn't it?" 

He laughed. "It does!"

"How's the French Juli?" I turned to see how she was coming along.

"I'm halfway through." I looked over her paper as she continued to write. She was just matching vocabulary.

"Okay, good Juli."

After going over Juli's assignment she began to read her book. I would stop her once in a while and ask her to say some of the vocabulary words in French. I also had her summarize the few pages she read before she put everything back in her school bag. As for Mason, I searched for any type of fruit so I could teach him how to say certain fruits in French. Ava was right, he did learn quicker with tangible objects.

"Would you kiddos like a snack?" I asked, standing from the kitchen seat.

I heard their voices sync as they answered. "Yes please!"

"What would you like Juli?" I asked as I opened the pantry to see what I could find.

"I'd like some strawberries please." I heard Juli reply as I spotted a can of sweeten condensed milk. I cut up some strawberries and poured a bit of sweeten condensed milk over them.  Wondering if Ava allowed the kiddos to eat sweets this late in the afternoon.

"Well, if I get fired at least I fed you." I thought as I handed Juli her snack. I saw her examine the strawberries.

"Try it." I said with a smile. Juli picked up a strawberry and bit into it, her eyes widened as she savored the sweetness. 

"Good isn't it?"

"It's delicious, thank you (y:n)!" She hugged me as she held her plate.

I saw Mason peek curiously at Juli's snack.

"Do you want to try some buggie? It's really sweet and delicious." I said with a smirk.

"Instead of strawberries can I have..." he paused, "pommes?" He looked up at me with a wide smile. I giggled, his accent cute as ever. 

"Of course buggie. Pommes coming right up!" I said as I grabbed his chin. I cut an apple up and spread some sweeten condensed milk over them as well.

"Here you go." I said, handing him his afternoon snack.

"Mommy would love these." Mason said as he bit into a second slice of apple.

"This is my new favorite snack." Juli exclaimed, dipping another strawberry into the sweet milk.

"Mine too!" Mason pitched in.

I looked up as I heard shuffling in the hallway.

"Good evening. You must be (y:n)." I a woman in her mid 50s greeted. 

"That's me!" I said returning the smile the woman wore on her face. My eyes followed  Juli and Mason as they ran to hug the woman.

"I'm Jamy, their nanny." She said as the kids continued to embrace her.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Jamy."

"(Y:n) gave us a snack already, it was delicious!" Mason told Ms. Jamy as I got up from the table.

"Really? Well good, because dinner will be served in a few. Okay?"

"Okay!" I heard Mason say joyfully.

"I gave them a bit of sweeten condensed milk if that's alright." I informed.

"Oh that's perfectly fine sweetie." She said as she made her way towards the sink.

"I'll see you two tomorrow okay?" Mason and Juli were at my waist before I knew it. I chuckled, giving them a light squeeze before they released me. By 6:42 P.M. I was on my way back home.

As soon as I got to my flat I went to the shower room to wash my face and teeth. I quickly changed into my night clothes and slipped under my blankets. For some reason I felt so tired, too tired to even eat dinner. I dozed off as soon as I turned off the night lamp, even though the clock just read 8:04 P.M.

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