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"you're a lucky man Thomas"

THOMAS finished helping Jamy with dinner as Mason, Juli, and I set up the table.Not long after, Ava appeared through the door. Her tired eyes were evident, but a smile pertained in her face.

"I could definitely get used to coming home to this." She sighed, squatting as Mason and Juli charged toward their mother. I looked over at Thomas who was looking down; smiling nevertheless.

"Hi you, and you, and you." Ava motioned to each adult. Pecking Jamy and Thomas on the cheek, Ava held unto my arm as she completed her task. "You are staying for dinner?" She asked, her voice pitched higher than usual.

I scoffed, and nodded my head. Of course I'd be staying.

"Oh goodie!" Ava flashed me a smile, just as she embraced me in a tight hug.

As dinner was finished being set on the table we all began taking our seats. Ava sat at the end of the table with Juli on one side and Mason on the other. Jamy took a seat by Juli and I by Mason, leaving Thomas at the head of the table; next to me. Our second dinner. But this time as a family not strangers.

"Out of all the years Jamy has been with us, not once has Thomas bothered to help out with dinner. So thank you (y:n)." Ava said, glancing between Thomas and I.

"Ava! You know very well that's not true!" Jamy scolded, while Ava began to chuckle. "He's helped me once or twice. Right Tom?" Jamy looked at a stunned Thomas.

I began to chuckle as Thomas' jaw remained dropped.

"Considering that Jamy shoos me out of the kitchen every time I offer my honest help!" Thomas finally spoke, his eyebrows slightly furrowed while a small smile appeared on his lips.

"I have to agree with Thomas. Jamy does shoo people away when it comes to helping her." I looked at Jamy who was now laughing.

"Darling it is for the simple fact that it is my duty to serve this family and I won't let anyone else do it unless I want to or have to." She finished saying with a wink.

The remaining part of dinner laughters and smiles were shared and several conversations were made between Thomas and I. And it all felt quite natural.

"Alright, lets get you two in a bathtub." Ava stood from her seat, taking Juli and Mason upstairs.

Jamy began picking up the dishes but I quickly set my hand on hers, stopping her from doing anything more. "We'll take it on from here." I glanced back at Thomas who nodded his head while I have Jamy a reassuring smile.

"Well then, as you two wish." With that, Jamy exited leaving Thomas and I alone in the kitchen.

"I haven't had a dinner like this in quite some time." I said, as I picked up the leftovers while Thomas finished picking up the dishes.

"I haven't either. With Ava always working, and I too it's been rather refreshing being able to sit at a table with the people I cherish the most." Thomas' eyes met mine and my face heated in a quick second.

I responded with a nod and started packing the left overs in the refrigerator.

"I'm happy mason and Juli have you. And Jamy and Ava." I let out a quiet laugh.

"I'm happy I have them. Because of them I feel like I have a true purpose in life that it isn't based off of my acting." After Thomas finished speaking a silence fell between us. A silence that we both took in as we finished our tasks.

"Alright Ms. (y:n). Out we go." Thomas and I made our way to the threshold of the kitchen. "Oh the lights." Thomas whispered and in that moment he reached over me, dimming the lights out. The warmth of his chest extremely close to mine. Thomas apologized for lord knows what as my mind raced with thoughts of him. Of touching him...

"You're a lucky man Thomas." I whispered, looking up and into his amber eyes.

"I know." His low voice filled the small space between us. "I am fortunate." He whispered as I felt his strong arm snake around my waist, his finger tips digging lightly into my side. My heart began to beat uncontrollably as he leaned into me, his lips mere inches from mine.

"Uncle tommy? (y:n)?" In an instance we broke apart from each other glancing at Mason who stood in his sleeping trousers. "I'm ready for my cuddles."

CLIFF HANGER. I KNOW IM SORRY but yay for an update (: thanks to those who continue to read this. It means so much to me, really. ♥️
Also, woah a kiss??? Was it going to happen???? Ehhehehe

250Mazy arrtemxs HOPE YOU LOVE AND ENJOY!!

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