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"I'm pleased to meet you"

I slipped my fingers through my hair as I frantically looked for a presentable outfit. "What am I supposed to wear--what--like what..." I trailed off dropping to sit on the floor, growing desperate by the second. "I should've gone shopping like mom said and when did I become so unfashionable." I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I let out a sigh feeling all the more  dramatic.

"What if Ava is like...'oh sorry darling, um I think I'll be taking the offer back' as she looks at me from head to toe because I'm dressed like a rat." I grunted, blowing the strand of hair that had fallen over my eyes. "Why do these things happen to me." I whined, laying my head back on the bed, continuing my complaints.

Since when do I complain over clothes? "Oh goodie." I whispered. "I sound like a complete psycho...I'm going to need a cat or something." I looked up to read the clock. 2:13 P.M. I sighed, knowing it was time I'd get my ass moving. I got up and looked through my closet again. I decided to go with my black jeans, my white blouse with black horizontal stripes, and my mustard colored blazer. "Well, mustard it is." I laughed. "At least I'll look appetizing." I shook my head at my ridiculousness sense of humor. "Oh man, I'm delusional." I mumbled, heading to the shower room.

After showering and moisturizing my body, I walked back to my bedroom. As I finished dressing, I moved to dry my hair. After a moment of debating what to do with my hair, I kept it down leaving the natural loose curls. My makeup was the least of my worries as I simply winged my eyes, curled my eyelashes, blushed my cheeks, and went with some chapstick for my lips. I wasn't a big lipstick fan, especially when it got on my teeth. I didn't want to overdue myself.

I headed to the living space, flopping down on the love seat to put on my flats. I glanced at the clock. 3:38 P.M. I grabbed everything I needed and stuffed it into my purse. I also grabbed an apple and granola bar to eat on the way there. I was heading to London by 3:49 P.M "Here goes nothing." I thought as I bit into my apple.

My eyes widened at the sight of Ava's home. It was 100 times the size of my apartment. "Thank you" I said as I finished paying the taxi. My stomach began to knot as I walked up the stairs leading to the entrance. I swallowed, ringing the doorbell.

"Darling!" I heard Ava say as she embraced me.

"Good evening!" I replied as I hugged Ava back.

"Thank you so much for coming down." I tried not to stare for too long but I could see the resemblance between Thomas and her. It was amusing.

"It's a true pleasure Ava." I said.

"Come in, Come in!" Ava stepped aside to let me in.

My eyes wondered around as we passed hallways and rooms.

"Would you like some tea? Coffee? Water?" Ava asked.

"Tea, please." I replied.

"Iced or warm?"

"Iced, thank you." I smiled.

As Ava handed me the glass of iced tea I nodded and thanked her once more.

"Have a seat please." Ava said as she pointed at a wooden chair. "While we wait for the kiddos, I'll go over the basics." Ava took a sip of water from her glass before speaking. "My 7 year old--Julienne--knows a bit of French, but I would love for her to continue to develop the language as she grows. Once she starts getting the French down, the Spanish lessons will come after. I'd not only like for you to help her with her French homework but also help her with the other subjects. You could also have her translate her homework from English to French. I know she's capable of it she just needs a push here and there."

I nodded as the woman before me spoke.

"She's a great girl, she'll catch up quickly." Ava smiled, pausing for a few seconds. 

I took a sip of my iced tea, nodding at all the information that was being thrown at me. 

"As for my five year old--Mason--I'd like you to start with basic French words. He's a hands on learner, so if you would like to find different ways to teach him feel free to. Both of them are easy going, if they cause any trouble please let me know. If they get hungry please feel free to feed them whatever you can find. And please feel at home and grab whatever you need." Ava looked over my shoulder and smiled. "Hi sweetheart, come here."

A five year old boy with honey colored hair crossed the room. "Mason, say hello to Ms. (y:l:n)." The boy leaned his head on Ava's shoulder, smiling shyly at me before speaking. "Hi, Ms. (y:l:n)." Mason said. 

"Call me (y:n) Mason." I said as I leaned forward and smiled.

Mason returned another smile, this time not so shyly. His eyes crinkled at the edges, very much like Thomas's.

"Mommy?" I heard a voice say.

"Hi sweetie, come say hello to (y:n)." Ava looked at me, nodding. 

"Hello (y:n)." My heart melted as the girl with a peachy dress leaned in to hug me.

"I'm Julienne, but you can just call me juli or lienne." She said as she went to go stand by Ava.

"Okay, Juli. I'm pleased to meet you. And you too Mason." I heard Mason giggle as I pretended to reach for his tummy.

"Okay (y:n) will be tutoring you two for three hours and I want you kiddos to behave while I'm gone." Ava said as she looked at mason and Juli back and forth.

Ava stood from the chair and bent down to give Mason and Juli a kiss on their forehead.

"I appreciate you for doing this Darling." Ava said, giving my bouncing knee a slight reassuring squeeze. 

"It's not a problem!" I replied, feeling myself relax.

"The kiddos should have their nanny come in before 6:30. So don't worry about leaving them alone, they'll be just fine." 

"Okay." I nodded.

Before Ava headed out she gave me a hug and thanked me once more.

I let out a sigh as the door closed.

"Let's do this." I whispered to no one. 

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