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AN awkward silence settled the moment Lucas crossed the threshold of my flat. Thomas had barely bothered to face Lucas, keeping his back poised away from him. The tilt of his head allowing minimal eye contact between the two. Clearing my throat, I began to introduce the two.

 "Lucas this is Thomas, Thomas Lucas." Once Thomas' name rolled off my tongue his attention was first directed towards me, then Lucas.

A wee smile hardly reached Thomas' lips as his hands clasped Lucas'.

"Aren't you the lad from love actually?"

My cheeks blushed pink as Thomas' eyes darted to mine. As if I had to do anything with the comment.

"That lad would be me, yeah." Thomas smiled, more genuinely this time. "Luke is it?" Thomas purposefully questioned, aware of the game he was playing. 

"Lucas." I corrected as Lucas cleared his throat, accepting Thomas' open handshake. 

After an awkward stare down between the two, I found my way around the kitchen island. "I made some hot cocoa would you like one as well?" 

"I wouldn't mind dear." At this, Thomas raised his brows. I nervously took a sip of my hot drink, oblivious to what Thomas would say next. 

"(y:n) doesn't like nicknames, or do you dear?" 

The hot cocoa burned my throat as I swallowed, keeping myself from spluttering liquid from my mouth and onto Thomas and Lucas. This morning was definitely not going as planned. 

"So Thomas, you haven't taken up acting in a while. isn't that right?" My eyes seemingly bulged out of my sockets as I awaited a snarky reply from Tom. "thats considering the fact that its been almost two years since?" Lucas pushed. 

Thomas' chest resonated with a low chuckle. "how sexy" I thought, shaking my head immediately in attempt to ignore the inappropriate thoughts my brain produced at such an inappropriate time. 

"well," Thomas' lips came together, shaping into an 'o' as he blew into his mug of hot cocoa. "I like taking up projects once at a time, not two at a time. it can get wonky, otherwise. right (y:n)?" Thomas cocked a brow at me as I acknowledge his diss. 

I nodded, "not many people like being crammed into unsolicited projects. I agree." I stared back at Tom who felt quite smug.

"I hear you own a library?" Thomas asked, turning the attention back to Lucas. 

"I do. that's actually where (y:n) and I met." Lucas' soft eyes met mine, entrancing me for a fleeting second. "how did you two meet?" 

Thomas and I locked eyes as the question floated in thin air. 

"at a dinner." I blurted out before Thomas could say. 

"hmm was it?" Thomas furrowed his brows as if he didn't recall such nerve-wrecking event. 

"yes." I deadpanned. 

"Ahh, yes." before Thomas could say anything else a mobile went off. Lucas reached into his pocket, retrieving his mobile. 

"Yes this is him." Lucas stood, his broad shoulders facing away from Thomas and I. "Mhm. yup. No problem, ill be there as soon as I can." Lucas set his mobile back into his pocket before speaking. "I'm sorry, Grace's father called me in. can we catch up later?" 

"of course." I nodded. 

"alright, ill see you soon then." Lucas strode towards me, his cologne filling the air around me. I closed my eyes as his lips met my temple. "take care." Lucas whispered before nearing the exit. "nice meeting you Thomas." 

"likewise mate." Thomas raised a hand as Lucas departed from my flat. The door slamming slightly as he exited. 

"phew, I thought I was going to be another hour or two before he left us." Tom smirked annoyingly. 

"you're such a wanker, a cheeky one at that too." I glared, crossing my arms at Thomas. 

"what can I say? i've had years of practice." Thomas winked, earning an eye-roll from me. 

I scoffed, who knew Thomas Brodie Sangster would be the cocky kind. 


just 6 months later.... hehe Yikes, I'm awful. 

I hope you guys still love me as much as I love you all. 

I hope to update sooner. if not by the end of this month then by sep. 

enjoy this crappy chapter! 

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