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"IT'S hard to find the time for me now isn't it?" Thomas endless teasing continued, this time at the comfort of my bed, uninvited, of course. As I made my way to the ottaman across my bed, I began to analyze Thomas. He seemed longer than usual as his body spread across the mattress, most of his legs hanging out the end. Half of his face slightly sunk into the white comforter while still maintaining the other half visibly towards me. "Comfortable much?" I asked, earning a simple "mmhmm" from Thomas who began to close a pair of droopy eyes. I made myself comfortable, a part of me wanting to crawl into bed with the blonde in front of me. 

 I unshamely kept on studying him. His black leather jacket and black skinny jeans standing out against the white. Strands of his dirty blonde hair slowly found their away across his eyes. He looked so much like Mason as he drifted into a deep sleep. His back rising the slightest as he breathed in and out; the only sign of life as he stood still. In that instance Thomas gave me the appearance of a fallen angel, if anything. Peaceful with an aura of danger, I thought.  He was a mature man that had childish moments. His personality was humorous but contained a right amount of seriousness to it. Thomas could be overbearing but caring and that is what was so likable of him. 

"c'm e'r"  tumbled out of Thomas' mouth after a series of minutes had passed. "Hm?" I resonated avoiding the invitation that Thomas had set out. Sleepy eyes were now focused on me as Thomas opened his mouth to speak again, his invitation clear this time. "Come here." 

"Tom..." I began, but was cut off with a quick shh as Thomas opened up, his arms inviting  me in. My brain somehow accepted his warm invitation because I found myself making way towards Thomas. I settled next to him, facing in his direction. "I apologize, I didn't come here with the intention of falling asleep next to you. I swear I'm just too arsed to do anything else at the moment." Thomas' confession was honest, but it still left me wondering. "Would you like to go to London with me tonight?" His eyes traveled from my eyes to my mouth as the question hanged in the air. "I'd be chuffed if you said yes," Thomas smirked. I rolled my eyes, "oh how you convince me so easily." I teased, earning a chuckle from the blonde. 

"What's going down in London?" I asked, curious to see where Thomas planned on dragging me to. 

"A gig, is all." He mumbled out, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

 I arched  a brow, "a gig?" 


"Am I going casual...formal..."

"Its cosplay, so." Thomas deadpanned. My eyes widened as i processed the fact that Thomas was into cosplaying. What the actual f--

Thomas began to laugh out loud, his eyes examining the features plastered on my face. 

"I'm just fucking with you (y:n)." Thomas' eyes remained crinkled at the edges as he continued to flash a smile. 

"you're such a knob head." I playfully punched his arm, slightly blushing at his sneering.

"You can dress as your geeky self, unless you'd let me pick something out for you." His eyebrows rising as he awaited an answer. 

"I don't dress geeky!" I glared, or did I? The blush deepened in my cheeks as I thought about my fashion sense. 

"you're bloody charming when you do that." Thomas confessed, looking at me intently. 

"Do what? Glare at you? Because I do that a lot more than you think." 

"No, you bum. I mean when you blush. Now that you do a lot more than you think."  Thomas slopped smile didn't help my case, furthering his proven point. 

"OK." I rolled my eyes, getting up from where I laid. "My closet is all yours then." I said, pointing directly at the closet. Thomas' head tilted back as he glanced at the small thing I called a closet. 

"Mm alright, lets get to it." Thomas grunted, rising from the comfort of the mattress. He gathered his arms above his head stretching to one side and onto the next. 

"Nothing gothic." I warned as Thomas made his way to my closet. His smirk meeting mine as he looked back. 


about a months later...

i'm getting BETTER at it okay? 

i think i'll update sooner just because i'm excited to see where all this heads to

disaster or ???

lol, love you guys. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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