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"I like her"

Ava's POV

IT was 8:21 pm by the time I got home. Because it was just the kids and I, my schedule for work was all over the place.

I would wake up at 7:00 am and make breakfast for the kids and I. I was the one who dropped them off at school. I worked from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, I'd go pick up the kids and go home. At 5:00 I'd go back and work until 8:00 pm. It was tiring but I had to do it for the kids. Their dad didn't help much. I rolled my eyes just thinking about him.

"Mama!" I heard Julienne and Mason yell as I walked through the door.

"Hi my sweet babies!" I hugged both of them with one hand as I took off my heels with the other.

"Hi Jamy." I smiled as the kids ran off to the living room. thankful to have Jamy.

"How was work Ava?" Jamy asked as she gathered her things.

"Tiring as usual." I said with a chuckle.

"You're working yourself to death. You know you need a vacation Ava." Jamy said, almost scolding me.

"I know..." I sighed.

"I'm serious Ava, the kids and you need a vacation."

"Sounds like you want the vacation." I teased.

Jamy shook her head as she chuckled.

"Oh sweetie, I'm not the one working as hard as you."

I gave her a tired smiled.

"Well, dinner is in the oven and the kids ate and took a bath already." Jamy said as she put on her coat.

"Thank you Jamy, goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow." I said after I hugged her.

"Well goodnight sweetie, I'll see you tomorrow." She said and closed the door behind her.

I saw the kids playing as I passed the living room.

"I'll be back down in a bit. Mommy's going to go change out of her work clothes."

"Ok mama!" Both of them said without looking up. I changed into my silk shorts and tank top. I put on my slippers before heading back down. After I was done eating the kids and I went upstairs to snuggle in my bed. They made my every sacrifice worth it. I heard my phone ring as I settled down into bed. 

"It's uncle tommy!" Mason yelled, as I answered the FaceTime call.

"Hey tommy." I said as I waved into the screen.

"Hey uncle tommy!" Juli and Mason said almost in sync.

"Hey you two!" Tommy smiled wide, making the kids giggle. 

"Hey Avs. How are you?" He asked before looking down.

"I'm good...what are you doing Thomas?" I asked curiously.

I saw him look up and then wave a word search. He smiled.


"I get bored Avs." He looked back down.

I chuckled.

"Did you find that tutor you were looking for?"

I smiled at the thought of (y:n). She was such a sweet girl and was good with Juli and Mason.

"Mommy is uncle tommy asking for (y:n)?" Juli asked.

"UNCLE TOMMY MS. (Y:N) IS SOOO AWESOME." Mason practically yelled as he nudged in to me to look at Thomas.

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