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"I was just waiting for the right girl to come around"

MASON and Juli continued to scavenge around their vast backyard. Occasionally letting out squeals and giggles. Minutes later, after sitting in the grass, Thomas stood up, heading inside through the kitchen door. I rose to my feet, walking towards the recliners under the porch. The door squeaked shut, bringing back with him two glasses filled with iced tea.

"Thank you" I said, taking one glass from his hand. Thomas simply nodded his head in return before speaking.

"So, you really thought I was gay?" Thomas looked at me with amusement, but a smile began to tug at the corners of his thin lips.

I laughed and dropped my gaze directly to my shoes. "You hadn't dated anyone in a while, I thought you were just, you know, waiting to come out."

Thomas scoffed, before letting out a laugh. His Adam's apple moving upwards as he tilted his head back. "Not even bisexual, just went straight to 'he must be gay' wow" Thomas dragged out the vowel in wow in an exaggerated manner.

I let out a chuckle "well?" I shrugged, giving him a smirk.

His eyebrows shot up as he looked at me, his mouth slightly agape. His eyes flirtatiously drew me in before he spoke,  "I must ask, who hasn't dated at all?" Thomas cocked his head at me, waiting for my response. My jaw dropped before glaring at a smirking Thomas.

"Listen Sangster, no one has shown to be worthy of my time, effort, and love." I crossed my arms, leaning back into the recliner.

"and I was just waiting for the right girl to come around yet" He paused taking a rather long sip of his iced tea, "I didn't asume you were lesbian." He rose an eyebrow, proving his point.

"Come again? Was? Does that mean you found her? And what if I am lesbian?"

"If anything you're bi, since you're seeing Lucas." Thomas spat out, his right leg now resting on his left knee.

"You did not." I leaned forward, eyes wide.

"Did not what?" Thomas looked away from me, knowing damn well what I was talking about.

"YOU HAD A BACKGROUND CHECK ON HIM?" I said, almost spilling my tea. "And do not avoid my first question, I demand an answer!"

"You mentioned him before." He shrugged.

"Uh, I never mentioned his name."

"Alright, you caught me." Thomas set his glass down, raising both his hands as if surrendering.

I actually laughed, not believing he actually had a background check go through on Lucas.

"As much as I want to know what you found out about Lucas, I'm more interested in having my previous question answered." I crossed my legs, mimicking Thomas's posture.

Thomas pursed his lips, keeping himself from smiling but failing miserably. It was cute, to say the least, and for some odd reason it caused my cheeks to heat up. He shook his head before meeting my eyes. Causing me to bite down on my bottom lip.

"Do I still make you that nervous sweetheart?"

I felt myself blush intensely. I looked away from his eyes, nodding in agreement.

"I don't mean too, (y:n)?"


"I found her—" He paused, and I slowly averted my gaze to him "but I don't think she's going to bloody find me." Thomas finished, almost whispering the last part.

I felt my heart begin to race. I wasn't sure if it was because Thomas looked into my eyes the entire time while saying that, or because I began to feel butterflies kick in as he did.

"Well shit." I thought, beginning to ponder what mom had said. Thomas was more than likely talking to some girl and why was I starting to feel for him, knowing well I was drawn to Lucas. I couldn't complicate things like this not when Thomas had his mind made up about a certain girl and I about Lucas. But, but that's the thing. I wasn't. I wasn't certain about Lucas, not when I was around Thomas, and that scared me.

I let out a sigh before finding my voice, "she should start looking for you then, or I'll claim to have found you first." My smile soon faded from my lips as I realized what I had just said out loud. "I'm sorry, t-that was stupid of me—"

"No." Thomas shook his head "don't stop searching now, I'm right here."

My throat went dry.

"Me?" My voice barely a whisper. I didn't even know what I meant by me but it seems right to ask, and the answer I received next sent chills down my back.


I'm sorry for just updating Easy Love right now but I'll make up for it I promise!

Thank you to those who keep reading my updates on this story, I truly appreciate you.

To those who comment, and motivate me to continue to write, you truly are amazing human beings.

Thomas is finally dealing with some feelings! I don't want to be cheesy but come on, it's Thomas and I can't help it!

Anyway, stay tuned my lovely people.

thought of you while writing this chapter, hope you enjoy love


- d.o.a

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