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"go tuck in my son before he beats you to it"

"UP we go." Thomas huffed, ushering Mason in-front of us as we made our way to the children's shared bedroom. Juli was being tucked in by Ava as we entered the room. The little girl fast asleep.

"She was rather exhausted, wasn't long before she closed her eyes for the night." Ava whispered out, tucking the loose strands of hair behind her ear as she rose to her normal height.

"They did play outside for quite a while." Thomas replied, Ava making her way toward Mason.

"Goodnight my sweet son." Ava murmured, crouching down to peck Mason's cheek. "I love you." ruffling her son's hair Ava stood back up.

"Night mummy." Mason gently replied before making his way to his room.

"Don't stay up to late with him." Ava arched an eyebrow at us as her index finger pointed between Thomas and I. "My boy needs his beauty sleep too."

"The one in deep need of such beauty sleep is you Ava. Now go on." Thomas chuckled, playfully pushing his sister out of the room.

"You arse." Ava hissed smacking his brother on the chest in return.

I brought my hand to my lips, keeping myself from laughing as to not wake up Juli. Thomas looked back, his eyes glistening beneath the dimmed fairy lights. His boyish smile sending shivers down my back.

"Alright you two, go tuck in my son before he beats you to it."

"Night Ava!" I whispered as Thomas shut the door behind him.

Mason had indeed already tucked himself in bed as we entered his room. His tiny body frame outlining the sheets.

"Uncle tommy goes right here and (y:n) right here." Mason muttered, patting the spots next to him. Oh how my heart warmed watching the purest little soul grow excited.

I shivered once more as I felt Thomas lay his hand on the small of my back. "After you." He whispered, leaning into me. His warm breath fanning my temple. I blushed slightly before crawling next to Mason. A part of me wishing it was Thomas' bed I was being escorted to, not the little boy I was starting to love a brother.

"Hi buggie" I whispered, tickling his tummy as his body nestled into me. His hushed giggle making me smile.

"snuggling next to the pretty girl aren't ya. and here I thought you wanted to snuggle next to uncle tommy."

Mason tittered as Thomas edged closer to him.

"come here you snug bug." Thomas began to tickle his nephew as he clung onto my shirt. His muffled laugh tickling my skin as he continued to press his face to my tummy.

"No uncle tommy, no" I quickly wrapped my arms around Mason as his tiny arms made their way around my neck. His head resting on my shoulder blade. His little heart beat thumping against me.

"Leave my buggie alone!" I shouted in a whisper. "No more tickles for my sweet bug."

Thomas grinned as his fingers moved the stray strands of hair from his eyes. "As you two wish." He winked as he laid back on the insect printed pillows.

My hand began to rub mason's back, his heartbeat slowing with each motion.


"yes buggie?"

"can I call you auntie (y:n)?"

It was now my heart that thumped at a rapid pace. Mason was taking up the entirety of my heart and he had no idea.

"Of course, you can love bug. Of course you can." I whispered, kissing the top of his head. The faint scent of baby shampoo ever so present.

next chapter will be in Tom's POV
stay tuned my lovely readers ♥️
I'm falling in love with this character I so easily named mason. he manages to warm up every part of my heart. it's so easy to describe/write about him & that's only because mason portrays my four year old cousin that I love to infinity. He moved not so long and my heart has been aching for his little giggles and smiles. my little man could light up my darkest days & I wish I could hold him like I used to. I wish I could snuggle next to him like we did so often. I miss him, & my heart really aches for him.
this ones for you baby boy.

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