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"I'd love to tutor for your kids"

AS the taxi parked, I saw a woman in her mid 50s at the front of the building. She had dark brown hair and prominent cheek bones.

"Here's your luggage, I hope you enjoy Wembley." taxi guy said as he smiled.

"Thank you!" I smiled and replied back.

After paying taxi guy, I headed towards the lady. She looked up as I neared her.

"Hello, you must be (y:n). I'm Alina, your agent from Hexagon Letting. You may call me Lina if you'd like." She said in a warm tone of voice.

"Hi yes. Nice to meet you Lina." I said with a smile.

"Please, this way." She pointed towards the direction of the small building next to the apartments.

"As you know your apartment is on the second floor. Your door is the one that says HB9. Before I give you the keys to your apartment I'll be handing you some papers for you to sign."


Lina opened the door and I trailed right behind her. I continued to follow her as she went over to the desk in front of the entrance.

"Here you go. Sign here, These are just policy agreements." She said as she handed me a couple sheets of paper.

I signed.

"Okay (y:n) if you want to make a spare key or lose your key, which I hope you don't, let me know so I can give you another sheet to sign. Along with that there will be a small fee to pay in order to receive your spare or new key."

Lina handed over a silver key with the letters HB and number 9 carved on it.

"Here you go, if you need anything else please let me know. I hope you enjoy." Lina said as she handed you over the key to your new apartment.

"Alright, thank you Lina." I replied.

I opened the door and left for the apartment building right in front of me.

Just as I looked up, the first drop of rain fell on my brow bone.

"Right on time." I whispered.

I climbed two sets of stares before walking towards the door with HB9 printed on the top center of it.

"Well, that'll be my daily workout." I said to myself as I unlocked the door.

The apartment was bright and spacious for its size. The fully fitted kitchen was left from the entrance and the separate living room was in front. I walked towards the right corner of the living room where I stood in front of the sliding doors that led to the terrace.

"How cute." I said as I headed towards the door at the end of the hallway next to the kitchen.

I passed what I assumed was the shower room. I'd take a peak at that soon enough. But right now all I wanted to do was unpack.

As I opened the door to my new room I saw a window that looked out the same direction as the terrace. I saw a night stand next to the window, and to the other end to the left there was a built in closet. A bit bigger than I expected. The king sized bed seemed to fit perfectly in the middle. I let out a grunt as I pulled my luggage on top of my bed.

I dialed moms phone number as I began to unpack.

"I thought I'd never hear from you."

"I made it safe, thanks for asking mama"

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