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"I think she could make you happy too"

Jamy's POV 

AS (y:n) left, I walked back to the living room, taking a seat beside Juli who was reading a book.

"Jamy can I watch some television?" I looked up and saw Mason looking for the remote.

"If you find that remote, go ahead." I said as I looked down at Juli.

"uhhhh." I heard Mason say as he looked behind the curtains.

"Jamy how do you say this?" I turned to look at the word Juli was pointing at.

"Per-se-veer." I dragged on slowly so Juli could understand.

"Persevere?" Juli said back, almost questioning the pronunciation of the word.

"Yes sweetie." I kissed Juli's forehead. She smiled, snuggling closer to me. 

"FOUND IT!" Mason yelled with raised eyebrows.

I shook my head. Mason was the exact replica of Thomas. They made the same facial expressions and they hadn't noticed until it was pointed out. They grinned the same way and didn't show their fun personality until they felt comfortable with you.

"Oh you Sangster boys." I sighed. Mason looked up and grinned as the television came to life.I heard the door open and shut close. I looked at the clock above the fireplace. It read 7:18 pm. Ava was home early but as I turned to look back I saw Thomas leaning on the wall. He brought his finger up to his lips. I smiled and turning away from him.

"Jamy what — UNCLE TOMMY!" Mason had spotted Thomas and ran to him, full speed. Juli stood up almost instantly.

"Snug bug!" I heard him say as he grunted, picking up Mason. Mason was indeed getting heavier.

"Hi uncle tommy." Juli said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Hi sweet Juls." He placed Mason back down as he hugged Juli in return.

He walked over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I smiled as he sat across from me. Juli and Mason instantly snuggling next to him.

"Who was here?" I heard him ask as he hugged Juli and Mason closer to him.

I smirked. "(y:n)."

"Please, not you too." Thomas groaned as he laid his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.

"She's a sweet girl Thomas." I eyed him.

"So it was her driving off in that taxi?" He asked, eyes still closed.

"you saw her?" I asked trying not to sound excited.

Thomas hadn't dated in a while and Ava and I became worried that he spent too much alone time.

"Not really, I saw a figure get in the taxi and then it drove off as I pulled up on the drive way." He opened his eyes.

"I thought she was only here until 6:30." Thomas said still looking up at the ceiling.

"I asked her to stay for dinner. If I would've known you'd be coming down I would have made her stay longer." I turned to see the television.

"I'm glad I didn't say a word." Thomas said finally looking away from the ceiling.

I rolled my eyes at Thomas. He could be so stubborn sometimes.

"Your plan is to avoid her then?" I asked looking at him.

"Mm, well I plan to. Or at least for as long as I can." He shrugged.


"Well, I don't know anything about her other than she's making her way into their hearts by simply tutoring." He looked over at Juli and Mason.

"You're not curious one bit?" I asked.

Thomas opened his mouth but was cut off by Juli.

"She makes mason and I really happy. I think she could make you happy too uncle tommy." Juli looked up at Thomas.

Thomas gave her a smile and ran his thumb over her bangs, kissing her forehead after.

"Get to know her tommy."

He sighed.

"You women have my heart, and you take advantage of it."

I chuckled.

"I already have the girls I need." He said looking at Juli and then at me. "And Ava. Speaking of which, I don't think I have room to handle one more stubborn girl, as sweet as she might be."  He cracked a smile.

"But you do such a good job." I teased.

"I'll think about it." He said as he laid his head back down.

"Can't wait to let Ava know." I said with a smile.

Without opening his eyes, Thomas raised his brows, and shook his head.


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