354 28 10

"she's wonderful"

Thomas' POV

FIVE hours. She spent five hours and twenty minutes talking about her father, her mom, her life. Five hours, and I still couldn't wrap my mind around her; around the person she was and the person she had become. She didn't leave out a single detail of her life and somehow I felt like I was left at the tip of the iceberg with (y:n); the rest was submerged and I wanted to dive in and figure what is it exactly that lay beneath.

The problem was, would she let me? Would she allow me to?

I looked to my right, finding myself missing (y:n) who not so long ago sat on the passenger seat; next to me. I faintly smiled reminiscing of her and what she had last said. I had seen (y:n) turn to look at the clock above the book shelve. "I should go." I blurted out. (y:n) nodded in return.

"You must hear this everywhere you go but Thomas? May I have a picture with you?" (y:n) had asked, smiling sluggishly.

I felt my chest rumble with laughter as I nodded my head. She grabbed her phone and turned the front camera on before leaning into my shoulder; her phone looking directly at us.

"Is this ok?" I asked as I pulled her in closer. She nodded, blush creeping into her cheeks.

From the corner of my eye I saw the flash go off, my eyes were still gazing at her blushed cheeks. I smiled. "Sorry, I—"

Another flash went off. I closed my eyes, my smile still present. Our temples were touching.

Her arm came down and she began to giggle as she went through the two photos.

"Those look pretty great." I remarked, still feeling her warmth against me. I didn't dare pull away.

"You're not even looking at the camera ... " she paused "and you still look good." She finished, scoffing.

I smiled and looked up, her eyes mesmerizing mine; our faces inches apart. She smiled before speaking. "Okay I won't keep you from going home to Ava any longer." She said pushing me away as she let out a small giggle.

"Oh fu—Ava." I had brought my eyebrows  together with my index finger and thumb. Rubbing the thought of Ava away, or at least attempting to.

"C'mon I don't think it will be that bad." (y:n) had said.

I scoffed as I shot her a look "It's Ava." I said, raising my eyebrows as Ava's name rolled off my tongue. She threw her head back and laughed. I began to laugh with her, and her cheeks became rosy again as she glanced back at me.

"I don't know what I'll have to say to keep her from thinking we slept with each other." I looked down, eyebrows raised as I shook my head "She'll have her mind made up that we had sex."

"Five hours of nonstop sex." She corrected, letting out a light snort.

I let out a scoff that sounded more like a snort too which made (y:n) laugh all the more. I couldn't help but grin stupidly; she was quite the girl. 

My thoughts where pushed away as I caught a glimpse of my phone screen light up.

(y:n) // 4:01 am
"Thomas, if Ava asks what we did at my place, don't answer. Keep her in suspense."

Like I said, quite the girl.

Thomas // 4:01 am
"our sweet revenge ... like how you think (y:l:n)."

I responded as I pulled up in front of Ava's house. I turned off the car and unbuckled. My phone vibrated against my pocket as I got out.

(y:n) // 4:03 am
"Thank you Sangster. AND don't forget to tell me how our tormented Ava does with so little info."

I smiled down at my phone before putting it back in my pocket as I climbed up the stairs. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I bent down and untied my shoes, leaving them close to the entrance, next to Ava's pair of black heels. There was a faint light coming from the living room, I let it guide me through the hall.

I peeked my head in. Ava sat on the couch, arms and legs crossed but her lips held a smirk. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the couch in front of her.

"Your hair?"

"My hair what?" I said, throwing myself down on the cushion.

"It's not messy." She slurred.

I curved my mouth down and raised an eyebrow, nodding my head down once.


I looked up at Ava. Her eyebrows now furrowed.

"Why are you still up?" I asked, changing the subject as I crossed my legs.

"Thomas." Her leg lowly swung.

I bit the inside of my cheek, keeping myself from smirking.

"Spill. Spill the tea now." Ava demanded.

I looked down, trying to hide the smile that played on my lips.

"Bloody hell Thomas! How was it? How was she? What did you do? Spill!" She yelled, keeping her voice in a whisper.

I closed my eyes and shrugged before looking back at her. Ava's mouth dropped as she gasped.

"You're not going to tell me!"

"Mm." I closed an eye and scrunched my nose.

"You son of a—"

"She's wonderful." I cut her off and flashed her a smile as I got back up.

"Wonderful as in—"

"Goodnight." I said, kissing her cheek.


"Goodnight Ava."

I don't remember the last time I updated but I'm sorry! I hope this chapter makes up for it!


- d.o.a

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