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"welcome to Wembley Miss"

ON Friday afternoon--before heading to Ava's--I decided to drop by the library. I had finished the book earlier that day. The weather had also warmed up which had put me in a good mood. I had spent the entire day yesterday thinking about the dinner Ava set up. She was really trying to hook me up with her celebrity brother. It was nerve wrecking but it wasn't like it was going to be just Thomas and I right? It's not a date, I pushed the thought away as I the library came into view.

Maybe I'll get a date after all, I thought as I edged closer to the library. As the small building  came into view the "closed" sign was faced towards me. Disappointed, I turned to leave but before I could take one more step I bumped into a solid chest. I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist, steadying me.

"You're back." Lucas smiled down at me.

I felt myself relax as he let go, instantly missing his grip around me.

"yea, I'm back." I laughed nervously, shaking the book. Man, was Lucas gorgeous, I quickly blinked the thought away.

"Either the book was real good, or you just couldn't wait those two weeks to see me again."

I felt my cheeks warm up. "The book." I said as I tapped on its cover

"Ouch. I thought you came back so soon because you missed me." He joked.

"I didn't know you opened this late?" I said, changing the conversation.

Lucas gave me a smirk, knowing what I had done. He chuckled. "The library is opened by 9:00 am. I got a call and had to lock up for a couple hours." Lucas said, as he unlocked the doorway.

"After you." He said, grinning.

"Thank you." I said as I saw lights come to life.

I took in a deep breathe.

"Smells wonderful doesn't it?"

I blushed at his remark.

"Don't worry, I love the smell of books too."

There was something about the way his eyes looked when he smiled. Something that effortlessly drew me in. My cheeks continued to burn against my face.

He chuckled, almost to himself.

"You're not from around here are you?"

"I wonder what gives me away." I teased. Clearly aware of my accent. Lucas made his way behind the front desk, allowing me to hand him back the book.

"That, and because I haven't seen such pretty face around my library before."

I bit on my lip. Not knowing what to say.

"It's yours?" I managed to ask.

"Every inch of it." He said as he looked into my eyes. I felt a chill go down my back.

I looked down and smiled "Well, I love your library Lucas." I said as I glanced up.

He chuckled, his broad shoulders moving slightly.

"Thank you (y:n)."

There was a moment of silence before I heard Lucas speak again.

"Would you like to go for some gelato?"

Lucas asked, slipping a hand in his pocket and scratching the back of his head with the other.

Was he nervous like me?

"Right now?" I asked, he didn't say "sometime."

He nodded and licked his lips. I felt my knees weaken.

"Aw, you'd close up your library for me?" I saw Lucas grin, and chuckle nervously. "Yes, gelato sounds perfect." I said, agreeing.

"Let's go then." He said moving away from the front desk.

"Did you want to check out something else?" Lucas asked as we headed towards the door.

"If you open up again once we come back?" I said as I stepped outside.

Lucas flipped the sign. "Sounds like a plan." He said as he turned to lock the door.

"So? You just moved here?" Lucas asked as we began to walk.

"Today marks a week, actually." I said smiling up at him.

"Welcome to Wembley Miss." He said, looking down at me with yet another killer smile.

"Thank you Mr.?" I dragged on the r until Lucas answered.


"Lucas Fowler, nice." I said, Lucas laughed.

"Thank you ms." He dragged on the s until I answered.


I nodded.

"After you Ms. (y:l:n)" He smiled and moved to the side to open the door to an ice cream shop.

By the time Lucas and I finished our gelato it was 3:54 pm. We exchanged numbers before heading back out.

"Thank you for the gelato Lucas." I smiled into his blue eyes.

"Thank you for joining me." He said as we began to walk down the street.

He cleared his throat. "May I ask you out to dinner?" I heard him ask.

My cheeks reddened at the mention of a date. "I thought you'd never ask." I teased, as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

Lucas chuckled. "How does tomorrow sound?" He turned and grinned.

Our faces inches apart.

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