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"the feeling is mutual"

THOMAS' demeanor suddenly changed. His smile was replaced with a frown of uncertainty and I wondered if it had anything to do with what I said or if the cause was simply because of who I was; a nobody.

"Is everything okay?" I furrowed my brows and reached out my hand towards Thomas but quickly regretted it as he pulled away. I sunk back into the leathered seat, perplexed by the sudden change of mood.

Thomas began to nod, but at this point and time I wasn't sure what for. "Sorry, it--it has been a long day." Thomas exhaled, not bothering to make eye contact anymore.

"Of course, I understand. Um, thank you for the ride." My statement sounded more of a question but Thomas took it. His eyes finally met mine and the tiniest of smiles lifted the corner of his mouth.

"I'll see you around. Have a good night (y:n)." Thomas' voice was calm even though he fidgeted. I took that as a queue to unbuckle and remove myself from where I currently resided.

"you too Thomas."

"I'm telling you ma, the feeling is mutual!"

"oh come on (y:n), he's probably just nervous! didn't you say so yourself? And didn't you say it had been a while since he tried dating anyone? I mean hookups are one thing but--"

"okay, okay! I get it. I'm reading too much into this." I let out a long sigh, biting into the green apple I picked up on my way to the love couch.

"Anyway, isn't your date with library dude tomorrow?" I scoffed as I heard my moms faint accent through the phone. 'library dood'

"He's got a name ma." I retorted, taking another bite.

"the backup has a name?"


"I'm just teasing babe." Hearing my mom giggle relaxed me. Why was I so tense, and so...preoccupied with thoughts of that lean body, and amber eyes that belonged to that damned boy Thomas?

"Alright mom, I'll let you go. Have a good one at work. Love you."

"Thanks sweetie. stay safe, momma loves you." Mom smacked her lips, imitating a kiss.

The day in which I was to go out with Lucas dragged on slowly, but I managed to survive as I occupied myself with decorating the flat with frames and unnecessary crap I had found at the thrift store that morning.

As I finished setting up fairy lights on one of the walls in the living space, the hum of music could be heard, however, not loud enough for the neighbors to complain about it. I took a step back, setting my hands on my hips as I examined the finish product of one side. Lights and photographs really did make a difference.

The sound of a text notification pulled my attention away from my finished product. I strode towards the coffee table where my phone laid. The screen lit up with Ava's name.

Ava // 5:21 pm
"hey! sorry to check in with you this late but are you doing anything tonight?"

I stared at my phone--more specifically at Ava's text--intensely. How was I going to tell Thomas' sister that I was about to go on a date with someone else as she so desperately attempted to hook me up with her brother.

(y:n) // 5:27 pm
"hi! I'm actually busy tonight. Is it important? because if it is I can reschedule..."

Ava // 5:28 pm
"OH don't do that! it's fine I just wanted to see if you would have liked to join the kiddos, Thomas, and I on family game night."

I breathed out in relief, knowing I could excuse myself from seeing Thomas so soon, especially after last nights weird encounter.

(y:n) // 5:28 pm
"sorry 😕 but have fun for me!"


"I told you she wouldn't come tonight, she's got a date." Thomas had been in a mood all day and it wasn't until now that I understood why he was so bloody upset.

"She's got a date? with who?" I whispered, not wanting Juli or Mason to overhear our conversation.

"Her librarian." Thomas deadpanned, resisting an eye-roll.

"OHH SHIT. she's into girls?" I gasped, my eyes widening as I continued to study my brother.

"No?" Thomas furrowed his brows, shuffling the deck of cards in front of him. "its a guy."

"Ohhh." I began to nod my head but I stopped as questions built up in my head.

"Don't even dare ask more questions because I won't answer them." At that moment my cell screen lit up, showcasing (y:n)'s name. "maybe she'll answer them." I was taken back by the sassiness in my brother's tone of voice as he mentioned (y:n).

My lips turned upwards, forming a smirk "are you jealous Thomas?" I teased, enraging my brother all the more.

Thomas rolled his eyes once more, "I could care less." He hissed, setting my set of cards in front of me.

"well with that ugly attitude I could see why she went out and got another date." I continued to tease. adding more fuel to the fire was my speciality.

"this 'date' idea was all yours to begin with. I never asked for it."

"not until you actually realized you had feelings for her." I arched an eyebrow, waiting for a response.

"whatever." Thomas mumbled as he laid down on his back, his arm underneath his head for support.

I sighed, setting down my deck of cards as I crawled towards my brother. I laid next to him, snuggling my head on his chest. His heartbeat humming against my ear.

"if she has feelings for you her date will suck arse tonight." I mumbled. Thomas' laugh rumbled through his chest, making me smile.

"its cuddle time!" Mason yelled, heading at an alarming speed towards his uncle and I. The weight of his small frame earned a loud "hmpfh" from Thomas as Mason laid across his lean figure.

"where does he carry all that weight, jeez" Thomas exclaimed, wrapping his free arm around a giggling Mason.

"You out of all people should know that slender bodies can be heavy." I poked Thomas' side with my elbow, making him laugh once again.

"your mother is being mean to me Mason." I cursed my brother inside my head as he glanced at me.

"Mommy! you know what happens when you're mean to uncle Tommy!" I began to laugh as Mason removed himself from Thomas.

"JULI, ITS TICKLE TIME!" Mason yelled out, calling for his sister. As quickly as I could, I got up, running up and away from my maniac brother and screaming children.

this chapter was all over the place but I like it, so I hope you do too. (:
also, I have more bad news than good news.

bad news part one:
this story will take a drastic turn and I hope you are all ready for it.
HOLD ON TO YOUR TISSUE BOX or toilet paper, whatever works best.

bad news part two:
I am currently moving to Canada so I'll be extremely busy. moving is a lot of work especially if you're moving from one country to another. I am hoping to have wifi as soon as possible so don't worry! I just won't be active for a few weeks.

for now...

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