Chapter 1

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I basically go to a shitty highschool.... I had many boyfriends before.. but, they were all horrible. They beat me, always put me down, used me, embarrassed me and stole from me. Will I ever find love?...... Probably not... My mama always says that love does exists and my true love will come to me but it will take some time.. huh.... yeah.. "take some time" that's what they always say.... I see happy couples in the hallways, guess their true loves came to them..... My friends are always telling me how pretty I am and any boy will be lucky to go out with me.. I know that I'm pretty, but I'm just quiet and shy. But I want a boy who will treat me right... Not beat me, use me, embarrass me, put me down, or steal from me. You may think that I'm desperate but I'm not. I'm an only child, my parents are always busy. So as a child no one ever was there for me.... I was always locked inside my room. I remember how I didn't have cable in my room so I had a VCR. I always used to watch romance movies. I guess that's what made me believe that love does exists. My parents think I'm "depressed" but I'm not. They are always busy so how can they know?... My dad works at a factory, where it's hot on summers and cold on winters. My mom works as a RN (registered nurse) and they all work late so after school I'm usually alone. My friends want to come over my place, but no one is allowed over when my parents aren't home...... which is never..... My best friend Maria is always trying to help me to get a boyfriend. She throws parties and invites a lot of people. Yeah.. she's popular.... So.. what's a quiet, shy girl like me best friend's with someone who is popular and not shy?... That's what I'm always asking myself, but whatever... It's the beginning of February guess what's coming...?..... Valentines day... Man I hate that day. All you see is couples giving their couples gifts and them making out, hugging, and giggling. I just walk pass them and ignore them to get to class. Well I'm in my first period class, Chemistry I'm pretty smart in that class so I guess I'm passing. Then..... I saw this boy... came in and WOW! he is cute. I guess he's new to the school because I've never seen him before. He gives the teacher a note and all I saw that the teacher nodded and said.... "okay sir welcome! why don't you tell the whole class your name?"..."

"Stefan Salvatore".. he said and he smiled at me. The teacher said for him to find an empty seat. There's an empty seat next to me. In my mind I was saying... sit next to me... please... sit next to me... please.. dear god... and he did! I was so happy! I looked at him and he looked at me, both were smiling. Thank god no one is in my class that I know.. because if they were I know they would embarrass me! So the teacher is teaching.. and all I can think about is the boy sitting next to me... what can I say?.. what can I do?.. all of these questions in my head..... "JANELLY!..... JANELLY? ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION!" Mr. Jones (the teacher) said... "uhhhhh..... yeah.?.." I said. Stefan was laughing. My whole face was turning red. Once again.... I was embarrassed.. All I can think about is Stefan... I zoned out.. Mr. Jones asked me a question.. but I didn't understand him.. He asks "what's the answer?. " "Stefan!" I yelled, the whole class was staring at me even Stefan and of course.... I was embarrassed... why?... why me?.....

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