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BendyMan|: r u angry with me? we haven't talked for a few days...

SlyFerret|: ...

BendyMan|: u r...

SlyFerret|: ...

BendyMan|: great, my only confidant hates me.

SlyFerret|: i don't hate u, u just have no tact

SlyFerret|: typical for a Gryffindor

BendyMan|: what do i have to do to make u like me again???

SlyFerret|: be a Slytherin

BendyMan|: the sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin

SlyFerret|: why aren't u in Slytherin then?

BendyMan|: someone told me that Slytherin is for evil people basically

SlyFerret|: i'm insulted

BendyMan|: u Slytherins aren't all bad, though a lot of u r manipulative, bullying gits.

SlyFerret|: are you not going to name those gits?

BendyMan|: nah

SlyFerret|: y not?

BendyMan|: most of the bullying Slytherins are broken now...

SlyFerret|: u calling me broken?

BendyMan|: u one of the bullies?

SlyFerret|: I used to be, i regret it

BendyMan|: right

SlyFerret|: mhm

BendyMan|: not broken huh?

SlyFerret|: i didn't say that

BendyMan|: well, i can't say i'm not broken, i lost too much

SlyFerret|: maybe we can fix each other

BendyMan|: a Slytherin and a Gryffindor huh, never would've thought

SlyFerret|: anyway i should go do my homework, 

BendyMan|: ok

SlyFerret|: :)

BendyMan|: how we supposed to help each other if we don't know who the other is?

SlyFerret|: we'll figure that out, or we'll tell each other who we are.

BendyMan|: im pretty sure i already know who you are...


A/N i should do my schoolwork *looks away guiltily*

also vote so i miss more schoolwork :D

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