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Sorry for the wait. It's been like 18 days? *Looks away guiltily*

Harry's POV

Another death eater from somewhere in the trees comes at us, he must have been hidden in the darkness. The three other death eaters we're already in the middle of fighting is difficult enough without anyone else joining in.

I run forward and start to battle two at once, me and Pansy are separated now, by a least ten metres. I hope she knows enough good spells to hold her own against the two death eaters.

One of my opponents yells a familiar spell and I instinctively duck away from the killing curse aimed at me, I look behind me for a split second to see one of the death eaters fighting Pansy fall to the dirt.

As that death eater dies I hear a noise and with dread I let my gaze fall to a spot behind the men I'm fighting. Three more figures in dark cloaks and horrible masks stand behind them.

I feeling of hopelessness crashes over me, Pansy and I can't hold up if it's two against six.
"Stupify!" Someone yells and I duck again only to find the spell was directed at one of the new death eaters, not me. They fall to the ground, unmoving. One of my two opponents leave me to fight someone else when he realises we have reinforcements.

Then I see them, my friends. Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Neville and Ron.

It's seven against six, we have the advantage.

Hmmmm, I feel like I should be killing someone, maybe Neville? He hasn't actually been paired off with Theodore yet... I should've thought about this before I asked you guys who he should be paired with...

Anyway, my sister has started writing a drarry fanfiction and you should check it out! She actually does long chapters 😱 unlike me...
Her name is JenaraH and you can find her fanfic if you go to her profile.

As always, VOTE and COMMENT if you are enjoying this fanfic?

P.S i wrote this on my phone... i don't usually do that.

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