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Harry's P.O.V (1st person)

I jot down a few things Draco is saying, trying to actually concentrate this time, I can still feel the heat in my cheeks, and I use that to make sure I don't embarrass myself again.

"You got all that?" he asks after about two minutes of him talking and me trying to keep track and taking notes, resulting in a few half-finished points along with the messily finished ones.

I nod, trying to finish off a few more things hurriedly so that I don't forget them.

"So can you help me with the potronus assignment..?" He asks while I'm still writing stuff down, I pause and look up, his face is slightly paler than his usual colour.

"Sure what's your Patronus?" he looks a little sick.

"The thing is... I can't cast a Patronus," he says his face going mildly green for some reason.

I can't really blame him, I haven't been able to cast a Patronus since the war, and I have tried a lot.

"I can try to teach you?" I hope this will make him happy and get rid of his green pallor.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," he gets up from the chair and sprints out of the room. leaving me to sit alone at the table, confused questions running through my head.

why did he want my help but then not accept it? Why did he look so terrible? What am I even doing right now? and why the hell do I want to chase after him to--- to kiss him??? To comfort him?

A/N so romance is coming ;) 

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