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Draco's PoV - 1st Person.

I couldn't exactly wear my best robes, for Merlin's sake, we were going flying. He could have given me more warning, but no, he has to tell me an hour before. I end up wearing a casual Slytherin green robe over a shirt and a pair of black muggle jeans I am rather fond of. I briefly considered wearing my old quidditch robes but decided against it, for 1, they're a little small on me now as I've grown an inch or so since I last played and 2, it would feel weird to wear them on a date, with Potter of all people.

Blaise is sitting in the common room, and when he sees me he smirks knowingly. He got out of the hospital wing last night and seems to be doing a lot better. I blush at his suggestive smirk and try to slide passed him. However, I apparently can't escape him. He follows me out of the common room where I find Pansy waiting to ambush me.

They grab ahold of me and drag me into a little alcove.

"I heard from someone that Harry asked you on a date," Pansy says accusingly, probably annoyed that someone else told her rather than me. Probably, Hermione, they've been hanging out a lot over the past few days.

"Yeah, he did," I say not entirely sure where this is going.

"So, I was right!"

"Huh?" I reply confused.

"I was right, I told you ages ago that your unhealthy obsession with one another was because you guys were unable to admit to each other that you had crushes on the other!" Pansy says excitedly.


Pansy rolls her eyes and sulks about the fact that I don't care that she predicted this whole thing. I'm used to her predicting things by now, it doesn't affect me anymore.

"Anyway, Pansy just wanted to say that before I ask you something a bit more serious." Blaise sighs.

"And what is it you want to ask?"

"You know what happened between me and Ron?"


"He basically grovelled for my forgiveness and I told him I'd think about it, and I am not sure what to do about it, I'm asking now because I said that I would give him my answer after I got out of the hospital wing..."

"And you want my opinion on this?"

"Yes, I do."

"You do what you feel is right, Ron has given Slytherin a second chance despite everything we did and what he was brought up to believe about our house as a whole. But it is your choice ultimately whether you want to forgive him. He knows what he did was wrong and irreversible, but you need to be the judge on whether the relationship you had with him is something you want to pursue. If he made you feel loved, safe and happy chances are you could still have an amazing relationship together that may or may not last a long time. It is your choice." I am shocked by my own advice, I wasn't aware that I could sound as wise as I did just then.

"Thank you, Draco," Blaise smiles, his eyes shining a little more than usual.


I head out onto the castle grounds, the air crisp and cold, it bites into my clothing and I shiver slightly before heading towards the quidditch pitch. My shoes grind against the gravel path as little rocks are kicked forward. I keep my head down, my stomach has 50 million butterflies trapped inside it. 

I take a deep breath and enter the stadium.

[A/N I am a lonely person and have never been on a date, but I have "dated" 3 people... and the 1st was only a week before she decided she was not in the right mind to date, the second was during the holidays while he was in the Philippines (I live in Australia) and he broke up with me the day before valentines day.... and the third was around 3 weeks before I got irritated that he disrupted my schoolwork (I'm somewhat of a nerd)... so I really have no experience with any of this. and I haven't had a crush on anyone this year which is rather boring :/ btw that was a pointless rant with the only purpose of letting you guys know a bit about my lonely life.]

[Honestly help me, give me some ideas for the actual date]

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(pronounced Lah-ni not lane-ie or lan-ni)

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