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Please read: So haha, I'm going on holiday for a week and then I'm going back to school pretty soon after :/
The updates are probably going to be a bit slow after that so I'm just warning you guys. Also, Neville is going to be with Nott... Hope most of you are okay with that?

Theodore's POV

"Agggghhhh when did he get so hot???!" Theo mutters to himself, thinking of a certain Gryffindor hero. Not the one most people seem fixated on though. Rather one that was overlooked for a long period of his life as a student at Hogwarts.

He'd grown taller, and he'd worked out at some point meaning he had a lot of muscles. He'd grown into his body, and it his school robes somehow managed to define all the best parts of him despite the formless design of them. Theo sighs dreamily, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Theo? What are you thinking about? you're blushing..." Daphne asks, startling the pinning Slytherin out of his stupor.

"N-nothing," he says rather quickly, she smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Which handsome guy caught your eye this time Nott?"

"No one," he says as he lets his eyes wonder over the Gryffindor table searching for that familiar figure. He wasn't there.

Daphne followed his gaze, "A Gryffindor? How intriguing."

"Nothing's goining to happen anyway Daph, so would you stop it?" he says annoyed, standing up from the table, leaving his unfinished food on his plate. He felt a prickling of unease squirm around in his stomach as he tried to reason with himself. 'There could be many reasons that Neville wasn't in the Great Hall, right? Nothing is wrong...'  yet that sense of unease did not go away.

Daphne stood up to follow him, "You never know until you try," Daphne says to him in a calm tone.

"But I do know Daph, you know how many gay wizards there are? Or bisexual? One in twenty, according to G.W.W (Gay Wizard Weekly) (thank you everyone who gave me ideas <3 this was NopeNeverNahNo with a little touch from LauraHagemannArellan) the probability of him being into guys is a five percent chance Daph. Five!" Theodore says angrily.

"You know they can't really tell that right? The amount of closeted wizards and witches discounts it. They can only rely on people who tell people they're LGBT."

He ignores her, instead heading up the astronomy tower to try and relieve his stress. He rather likes the stars, a constant in his life unlike everything else.

Haha, you thought you'd get more action? Nope just and adorable pinning idiot.

Did you know JK Rowling hates the character Pansy? I learnt that while I was looking up Daphne and Theodore, I love the fanon Pansy... Not sure about canon but I wonder what JK Rowling thinks of fanon Pansy.
She disliked her so much that she decided to make it canon that she didn't end up with anyone...

Anyways VOTE and COMMENT your appreciation!


P.S. I wrote this on my phone again..
P.P.S really sorry for some of the confusion, I wrote this a 2am yesterday and I couldn't see straight (not that I can see straight ever... ) Or read properly. Anyway I accidentally wrote Blaise to be with Neville at the top instead of Neville being with Theo so sorry :/

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