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Draco's POV (after he left with Blaise)

Blaise grabbed Draco's arm tightly as soon as they left the safety of the dorm using the secret passageway that they had in case of emergencies. Draco didn't understand why they had to go this way but he didn't really care, he really needed to see Harry.

Maybe Blaise was being considerate of his image? But that didn't make sense, he had only cared about his image earlier due to the instinct not to appear weak that had been ingrained in him via his father, usually, he didn't care what people thought of him anymore.

Blaise was leading him out the front doors while Draco thought things over, Harry was okay, it was fine, everything was fine. Except, it wasn't.

Blaise lead him toward the forbidden forest, his grip tightening. then all of a sudden he halted and his body spasmed weirdly before he jolted forward again, leading Draco forward again. it almost looked as though he was fighting with himself, what did that mean?

Draco thought back through the time he'd been with Blaise for the past twenty or so minutes, he really was acting weird, usually he'd be more talkative and less uptight.


Blaise didn't answer but his grip tightened around Draco's wrist. Draco stood still and fought back against Blaise.

"You're not the real Blaise, are you! or well, you are at least under the imperious curse!" Draco said loudly, his voice ringing sharply as he stood about fifteen metres in from the edge of the forbidden forest.

"Well done for figuring that out, Malfoy," Blaise's body turned to face him and the face that looked at him was transfigured in a horrifying expression that he had never seen on the real Blaise's face. "but you're too late, stupify!"

Draco fell to the leaf-strewn ground in a heap, his wand falling from his grasp, he'd only just been able to take in out of his pocket before the spell stuck him.

A/N YOOOO!!!! dramaaaaaa i have actually started to write the next chapter so you'll get that soon too

anyways, hope ya guys enjoyed

and remember to VOTE, and COMMENT and maybe an innocent follow?

love ya guys

~ Lani <3

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